The kids are assigned to a house ( dorm )
Common areas
We arrived early and had a headstart in organizing the room
This is it!
We decided to rearrange the room to give each of the kids fair chance of having their own bed space so no one has to be on top of the double deck. So this is what we changed it to ( though I heard they already rearranged it after living there for a few weeks, I am still waiting for the photo )
More storage space on top of the room
Roomates space
Jaime’s big brother, Chris
Thanks to some friends who helped us out an gave us a list of all the things we would need in the dorm. We were guided so well in buying the things. Even the stores were very prepared, they already have printed checklists which you can grab in the front of the store and use it as a guide. It’s so common in the States that they are such experts at dorm living!
From Bed Bath and Beyond
Go here to see a bigger version of this:
Wow, i wish I made my dorm room in college PINK! haha
The boys brought all the things up!! And let Mommy do the unpacking!!! Oh my! They went to do other things that were needed – books, etc etc
For comfort since the mattresses could be quite old. I want my son to have a good rest at night after all he will be studying very very hard!
I bought this pen so I could mark all his things!! in case it gets misplaced!
I bought dymo tape that you can iron on clothes
Name stickers to stick on school supplies
FOOD!!! In case of emergency!
For his few valuables
Attached to his bed
Tote to bring to the shower plus all the toiletries
School supplies from Staples
Bed lamp for reading
For all devices!
Phone with a very very long cord!
We bought those portable plastic drawers to put under the bed for additional storage – plenty bottled water, drinks, food and toiletries. We figured it would be best to stock up so he does not have to go out of campus just to buy little things
After 3 hours, Mommy was tired!!! And this was the room
The closet
Still some space left which I am sure will get full as time goes by
Thanks to Lola Menchu for remembering to pack these!
After around 2 hours of me fixing, the roomate arrived
with 6 other family members!! WOW!! It was a family affair and he was lucky he had a lot of help – they finished unpacking even before me!
We were so happy to know that his roomate had a good family background! They even invited him already for Christmas to stay over!
Soon after lunch, they already had activities!! Jaime was kicking us out already!! He was so excited!
Oh my! Mess already – we had not even left yet!
We went down to see what they were doing- they were already having dorm activities and last we saw was they were passing a football around – hmmm…
I am a big fan of your blog. I check it everyday. No kidding. =) Love looking at the pics of your son at St. Paul’s. Great environment. =) God Bless. =)
i wish i could go back to school again! this looks like fun!!!! you’re such a great mom rics!
Wow, you are so organised. But boys will be boys, they will always have a messy room. If they have kept a clean room when they are still staying with you ,they will continue to do so when they live on their own. You are such a nice mom you even tagged all his things.
Thank you Jun!! I hope you will not get tired of H2H
Hi Marga, thank you but you are a great mom yourself!
Hi Betty! Yes it is true about boys. I am so glad my son is normal! haha!! But I think that as parents we should still show them that it is not acceptable by continuing to show them and tell them what is right. Eventually when they grow up they will realize it. Based on what the house master said, they said they will check the rooms every week.
I was teary-eyed when my son recently started kindergarten so I know how excited both of you are now that your son begins boarding school
. Thank you for sharing this simple, yet endearing post about your son’s overseas school beginning.
Super OC Mom, I love it!!!! hahahaa