Teachers + Pets

By October 20, 2012 Velada 2012 2 Comments

Our Velada is not complete without our teachers!!!  We set a special day for them – to remember them and to pay tribute to them!  Thank you to Bambee and Arlene for organizing this.  Take time out to listen to the videos as they best explain the meaning behind this very special occassion



Our beautiful invitation handmade by Arlene Maslog Sanchez!  


Thank you to our batchmate, Laura Lim Rodrigo for opening your yummy restaurant to us to have this special occasion


Our teachers who we remember but they do not remember us! haha!! 😉  How can they possibly remember every student? right?  But they are the stars and we love them!  


Sr. Carla and I 🙂  I will always remember her because she was my police!  She is always making sure I am not putting up a mini Rustan’s in Assumption!! haha 🙂


All of us have a role in our velada and we all contributed whether small or big to make this a successful, meaningful and memorable Velada!

Thank you Bambee Bartolome Tambunting for organizing this special event 


Just our attendance to the events is already a contribution – we love seeing everyone and bonding with everyone


Thank you Myla Maderal Guinto for the photos which i am adding here 🙂  You take nice photos

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 Our delicious lunch from Casa Armas! YUM!  I even saw some leftovers after the lunch and it was brought to rehearsal!  Thanks Lau!


Chaos!!  Everyone excited to see everyone!


Heart2Heart loves the hugging 🙂  So many hugs that day 🙂


and the crying as the teachers were prayed over!


 Thank you to Arlene Maslog Sanchez for putting together the lootbag which the teachers went home with.  Also to Tricia Tenchavez Bello for the beautiful bag.  I wish i were a teacher that day 🙂






  • Marianne says:

    Rica. You really have the talent for putting everything together in such a beautiful way. We thank God for giving you to our batch

  • Arlene says:

    Rica, I remember your mini Rustans. I used to be a faithful costumer. I also remember bawal utang! Gosh! Cash lang! ahahaha! Thanks for this beautiful post! It felt great to do this for our teachers.

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