Monthly Archives: October 2012

Teachers + Pets

By | Velada 2012 | 2 Comments

Our Velada is not complete without our teachers!!!  We set a special day for them – to remember them and to pay tribute to them!  Thank you to Bambee and Arlene for organizing this.  Take time out to listen to the videos as they best explain the meaning behind this very special occassion



Our beautiful invitation handmade by Arlene Maslog Sanchez!  


Thank you to our batchmate, Laura Lim Rodrigo for opening your yummy restaurant to us to have this special occasion


Our teachers who we remember but they do not remember us! haha!! 😉  How can they possibly remember every student? right?  But they are the stars and we love them!  


Sr. Carla and I 🙂  I will always remember her because she was my police!  She is always making sure I am not putting up a mini Rustan’s in Assumption!! haha 🙂


All of us have a role in our velada and we all contributed whether small or big to make this a successful, meaningful and memorable Velada!

Thank you Bambee Bartolome Tambunting for organizing this special event 


Just our attendance to the events is already a contribution – we love seeing everyone and bonding with everyone


Thank you Myla Maderal Guinto for the photos which i am adding here 🙂  You take nice photos

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 Our delicious lunch from Casa Armas! YUM!  I even saw some leftovers after the lunch and it was brought to rehearsal!  Thanks Lau!


Chaos!!  Everyone excited to see everyone!


Heart2Heart loves the hugging 🙂  So many hugs that day 🙂


and the crying as the teachers were prayed over!


 Thank you to Arlene Maslog Sanchez for putting together the lootbag which the teachers went home with.  Also to Tricia Tenchavez Bello for the beautiful bag.  I wish i were a teacher that day 🙂





Danville Concours d’Elegance

By | Toys for the Big Boys, Travel | One Comment

James asked me to accompany him to a car show in Danville.  We drove about an hour away from San Mateo.  I love the small town of Danville!

Just in the parking lot, there were already many nice cars parked


Entrance to the show, they closed the street for the event


How nice! It was a fund raiser for Team Fox!  


It’s nice because in the street are nice coffee shops and quaint vintage stores!  I was so worried I would get bored, but I enjoyed it and wished we had more time to hang around




Cute dogs dressed up for the event 🙂



Visiting Triccie and Dinner at the Fish Market

By | Foodie, Travel, Velada 2012 | 2 Comments

In the West coast,  I’m always so happy I get to visit my good friend, Triccie!!!  I invite myself over to her house and I want to see if she changed her home since I was last there

Previous entry:  Ernie and Triccie in SF April 22, 2007 

The house is the same with a newly renovated kitchen and they have a new child, Fayth!  🙂  Here is Ernie with Fayth 


Fayth’s home 


And the two girls have grown up so fast!!!! Sara and Karina!


And you can tell who the artista is among the two 🙂  And she told me she takes after her mom!  Hmmm…  haha!!


And Triccie and I go through her old albums and here are some photos!!!

This is my good friend Triccie!  I remember we used to see each other everyday- either she goes to my house or I go to hers.  Then we would go out together during the weekends and even double dated several times 🙂


And we used to take many “baduy” photos  of the two of us 🙂


Take note of the hairstyle 🙂


Our bigger group in Assumption!I miss those days!  We would get together very often


And Triccie is back home with us to join us celebrate our Velada!!!!


Ernie and Triccie serve us cocktails


 And then they take us out for dinner at the Fish Market in San Mateo!


Looking forward to spending more time with Ernie in Triccie!!


Triccie took me here because she knows I love cheese and she ordered the cheesesticks for me which they are very known for.  Super Yum!  I could just eat this!


You can have it with crab




crab cakes


Ernie’s fish dish 


Triccie’s order- oysters


Click below to go to their website




By | Tributes | No Comments

I am so happy to spend time with the BBFFs.  I always see their travels and photos but this time I witnessed them and they are so much fun to be with!  I asked the help of Marlu as they can best explain their friendship!  I wish I had a friendship like theirs – Imagine 37 years and 4 best friends!   I am going to see if I can form one now!! haha!! 🙂  Hopefully we will see more of the BBFFs here at Heart2Heart 

Here are photos by Anette ( one of the BBFFs ).  They even have a mascot called Schubbee that travels with them wherever they go!  So cute!! I love how they document their time together!






Thank you, Rica, for giving the BBFFs this space to talk a bit about our 37-year friendship that’s so tight we decided that BFF wasn’t enough to describe ourselves, we added an extra “B” such that the acronym spells out as Bestest Best Friends Forever!  Of course it’s ungrammatical but our friendship transcends grammar rules.


We all got acquainted with each other when we were sophomores in high school.  Jenny Litton Navasero and I had been in the Assumption since Prep but Dina De Jesus Campos and Annette Palaypay Lewallen were new girls from Maryknoll (now Miriam) and St. Scholastica’s respectively.  Dina and I bonded almost instantly because we were both sporty and even had the same gym shoes!  By the time we were juniors, the four of us were part of a bigger group of seven.  I’d say it wasn’t until we were in college that the quad came to be.  Jenny, Dina and I found ourselves in UP Diliman.  While Annette had gone to De La Salle University, we would somehow find ways to be together like going on trips to Baguio and the beach or organizing what used to be considered “parties ng bayan” in Jenny’s house.  When Jenny and Dina moved to the UP Manila campus for their dentistry proper, they naturally saw more of Annette.  We would keep in touch regularly even before cell phones and the Internet (we all have bundles of letters to prove that) so you can just imagine how we’ve optimized today’s technology.


Eventually, we got married, had kids and built our careers.  We wouldn’t see each other as often but we always knew where the others were.  Recently, in fact, we discussed the “gaps” in our friendship and these were mostly the years when we were very busy raising the children.  So now that most of them are grown, we can spend much time with each other again.  And we’ve also become godmothers to each other’s children so we’ve even sealed the friendship with kinship!

I would say that our 25th high school anniversary in 2003 was a turning point.  Annette came home after 20 years for our velada and it was so uncanny how we all just picked up where left off (like we just parted ways yesterday!).  And it’s always like that.  Whenever we see each other, it seems like there is never any passage of time or space.  In fact, we even repeat the same stories and jokes, sometimes dating back from high school, and we laugh so loud you’d think it was the first time we heard it!  Now, try to visualize that in text format which happened just last night while we were on group Viber!  And you haven’t even heard the nicknames we have for each other…


When we turned 50 last year, instead of throwing parties, we all decided to travel together. 


We had so much fun that we did it again this year!  When the four of us cannot be all together, there’s Facebook to link us and to experience everything vicariously – our mini reunions with other classmates, family gatherings, career milestones, good news, bad news and sad news.  Not to mention the benefits of email, Skype, texting, phone calls and even snail mail from time to time!  Really, when you think about it, there is no reason in the world NOT to keep in touch with friends!


We have thousands of BBFF photos but we are only guests on Rica’s blog so here are a few that we hold dear to our hearts.  We hope that there are many of you out there who are also as lucky as us to have the Bestest Best Friends Forever and ever in the universe!


Marlu Villanueva Balmaceda

16 October 2012



China Bistro San Mateo

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

There are so many restaurants in 3rd and 4th Avenue in San Mateo!  Since we are not so familiar yet with the area, we just drive down and see what catches our attention and then we just try 🙂

This one caught the attention of James since it was very bright and it was a new restaurant.  So we went to try it


A bit groovy 🙂


Happy to spend time with our sister, Dina.  Happy she loves to eat like us 🙂


Happy that the BBFFs are in town!!!  Anette, Marlu and Dina!


The boys – James and Pepe- who take care of us


The BBFFs want a photo with Pepe 🙂  


Looks yummy!




Marlu, our boss 🙂  orchestrating our menu for the evening


We had the very basic Chinese menu 🙂  And it was really good!!!  


Dina told them to separate the sauce from the crispy noodles 🙂


This was a vegetable dish recommended by the waiter – He just said Tofu with vegetables – so we don’t know the dish name – but it was really good!  That tofu was so yummy!!


Go Pepe Go!! haha!! We are cheering for Pepe to finish the food 




 Free pastries from our waiter!  


 111 E 4th Ave

San MateoCA 94401

(650) 342-8388
