Monthly Archives: October 2012

Delta Airlines SkyBreak Basket

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

Heart2Heart enjoyed the meals on Delta Airlines!  I normally don’t like airplane food but for the second time using Delta to the US, I looked forward to the meals.  I also try to eat well when traveling because I don’t want my immune system to go down, it is difficult to get sick when traveling.  I used to diet and not eat during flights and later on felt weak and I could see it in my nails that I was not nourished!  Thanks to better airline food, I don’t do that anymore!


I tried the Japanese meal this time, trying to be healthy 🙂  


It was really healthy, that even after, you are still hungry! 🙂  They say that is you feel light and hungry after, that means your meal was healthy.  When you feel bloated and regretting you ate, definitely your meal was unhealthy!! 🙂


James had the western.  We always order different so we can share and try more dishes


Dessert tray!!!  Made up for the healthy! haha!!


And this is something I miss all the time, because I sleep always during the flight.  This time, I stayed up and watched movies and visited the snack tray!!! LOVE IT!!! 🙂  Everyone is usually asleep too, so it is dark in the cabin – so used a flash to take this photo


I got one of each and made baon some 🙂 and oh my gosh, I got two bananas for James and I to eat when we land, and when we got to baggage claim- the security and his dog smelled the banana and we just told him the truth that it was from the plane – but he put a sticker on our customs form and they had to xray our luggage on the way out!  So, lesson learned, do not bring the banana from the plane! 🙂  its part of the fruits and vegetables that are not allowed!


Before landing…love the sight of clouds that look so soft – yet when you go through them its bumpy! haha!! I love them and I hate them 🙂


Before arriving we have another meal!


James got the hot meal ( savory )


 And I got the cereal which was really really good – I was happy 🙂  Take note of the banana which I put on the side and still took out with me from the plane!


This was the SkyBreak Basket on the way back home!  




Happy Birthday Margs & Jaime and Bon Voyage Jaime!

By | Celebrations | 5 Comments

A day before we left, Dad and Mom organized a birthday dinner for Margs and Jaime and at the same time made it a despedida for Jaime!  It was a very special occasion! 🙂


Instead of going out, Mom got Kai to cater in the house.  Good idea!


Pass around appetizers

My gosh! These eggs were so so delicious!!! It had truffle oil and caviar! YUM!!!!!!


Lobster Sashimi


Mom even hired her pianist, Allan ( cellphone # : 0927-329-6929)


Table setting by Rustan’s Flower Shop of course 🙂


A super delicious meal!


Interesting dish- Corn tempura


And though it is catered by Kai, Mom always adds her personalized touch!  She bought these beautiful boxes from Japan and she used it to put the desserts!  It came in different designs


The kids had their own menu 


And Mom had surprises for us- look under your plate and if there is a sticker – you get a prize!! WOOHOO!! I got one!  🙂


Happy Birthday Margs and Jaime!!!


Thanks to Pam for always taking care of the cake requirements 🙂


Aside from the birthday celebration, we celebrated Jaime’s acceptance in Boarding school and his despedida


It was very emotional with speeches and many love notes.  I was worried he would change his mind!! 🙂


A beautiful poem from Ninong Noey and Tita Krie!


From his cousins


From his big brother, Tito Quits


From Tito Paul and Ninang Maricar


With matching ampao envelope 🙂


The shortest notes are from us – Papa, Mama and brother Javier 🙂letters-sps-jaime-12.JPGletters-sps-jaime-9.JPG



A Furniture Auction For the Benefit of the GKonomics Trade School

By | Giving Back | One Comment


GKonomics Designer Series: SILYA

GKonomics, the social enterprise initiative of Gawad Kalinga, announces the launch of the GKonomics Designer Series with SILYA, a collection of iconic chairs contributed by some top designers and architects following three design guidelines: the use of sustainable ma- terials; the promotion of Filipino identity; and ease of production by GK communities.

The GKonomics Designer Series aims to bring together the country’s best in various de- sign disciplines from interiors, industrial design, architecture, fashion, architecture, photog- raphy, branding, advertising to unleash the potential of the less fortunate and help them carry their own weight in society.

Through the GKonomics Designer Series, design is used as a solution to the nation’s prob- lems of poverty by creating livelihood opportunities. Dean Joey Yupangco of the College of St Benilde, says that one of the advantages Filipinos have is that we like working with our hands. He says there is a premium put on products made by the hand and we can benefit greatly from this. If the Gawad Kalinga citizenry of about 1 million residents all over the country can be harnessed to become world class producers, the economic and social effects can be staggering.

Brand Strategists Sergio Boero and Michelle Barretto agree that making design help communities while also making social change is doable. That design is not only on the surface but a a way of thinking, a solution and a way of living. “With SILYA, everybody in- volved already has that in mind,” says Michelle.

On how the GKonomics Design Group was formed, Ivy Almario, originator of the project explains “what I like about our group is we’ve already reached a point in our careers where we can make the correct phone calls to the correct people and it creates a chain of events and sets things in motion. The basic and most real thing is that if you want to help, just help, it’s that simple.” Her sister and business partner Cynthia adds, “There are no ex- cuses.”

Dean Tobias Guggenheimer of the School of Fashion and the Arts said, “My thought was I guess two-fold: how can I as a designer get involved and have fun with it and how can the process help the people in GK villages both from a tangible economic perspective and also from an educational point of view.”

Ed Calma said that “I know what design can do, and there has to be more industries like this that need to be propagated to improve the lives of people. So that’s sort of what at- tracted me to the program.”

There will be a launch event on October 16 at the Greenbelt 5 Gallery, where each of the chairs will be auctioned off. The event itself promises to be offbeat with a surprise spin on the proceedings — it will be an intimate gathering of design enthusiasts who also enjoy participating in philanthropic ventures.

Proceeds will go toward the seed capital of the GKonomics Trade School — a joint venture of GKonomics and the Design Group that aims to develop master craftsmen and revive dying Philippine traditions while meeting world class standards and aesthetics.

This event also serves to launch a massive platform for design lovers to participate in the GKonomics Designer Series. So that more individuals can promote the culture of produc- tivity and creativity with and among those lacking in opportunities.

Chiqui Lara, CEO of Y&R explained , “Our is dream is that this is not an ad hoc thing. The word is really ‘sustainable’. This can have long-term implications for GKonomics as a group, as well as of course the communities that we want to serve. This is just the begin- ning and we’re very positive and optimistic about it.”

The GKonomics Designer Series also has an ongoing collaboration with the Fashion De- sign Council of the Philippines under the helm of its President, JC Buendia.

Designers involved in the SILYA project are Ivy & Cynthia Almario, Ed Calma, Tobias Guggenheimer, Milo Naval, and Joey Yupangco. Other professionals contributing to this effort are Kenji Onglao, Ric Gindap, Chiqui Lara, Sergio Boero, Michelle Barretto, Pinky An- tonio, and Felicia Ravago.
