Day 1 Shopping in New Delhi India

By November 22, 2012 Shopping, Travel 7 Comments


 We arrived early in the morning.  It was foggy in the city.  It was like that for the 3 days we were in Delhi.  


and our bus was there to pick us up in the airport.


1/4 of the bus was filled with luggage for 8 people in our group 🙂


 We were greeted in the hotel by the IVAT representative, Indra ( Asst Manager ) , and our tour guide for Delhi, Ravi, who warmly welcomed us


We slept a bit in the room after breakfast and then followed our schedule which was to go shopping!!! 🙂  Since it was our first day- we didn’t know what to look for and we were not aware of prices so we hardly bought anything.  It became window shopping which we later on regretted. This always happens when I travel – I always think I will find something better or get a better deal and James always tells me to just buy when you see something you like! I should really learn to do just that and not think too much! Because when we are travelling we do not have much time to go back to place or look for that thing you saw and liked but didn’t buy! 

They took us to this very nice place – it was very quiet and peaceful and they had many beautiful local stores showcasing Indian products.  Prices here are fixed.  Though I entered a pashmina store and they were offering discounts


 Anokhi was nice – product made of Indian cotton – clothes, bed linens, table linens etc etc


Since we did not have lunch, we got a bit hungry and so we had a bite at the restaurant in the place.  A nice snack to keep us through to dinner


Across the street another small complex of shops.  Fabindia was a very nice store for textiles and some local Indian handicrafts and toiletries


This was not in the schedule but I requested to go here as recommended by my friend, Timmy.  It’s the divisoria of India 🙂  Even cheaper than Manila prices and beautiful things.  We only stayed for awhile since it was already late.  It was much cleaner than divisoria and there was no smell as we were expecting.  Bargain till the price that you want!  Something which costs 600 rupees can go down to as low as 100!  Know your prices and the value of the item.  


We went shopping here on another day.  This is where the expats shop – so again it is more orderly and more peaceful with many beautiful local products from India.  Fixed prices in this area.  


It’s just a small complex – one row from the front and a square at the back


Look for Good Earth, a beautiful home store with all Indian products!


Click below to go to their website


 Local Bazaar shopping right outside the Imperial Hotel called Janpath Market.  Bargain and bargain and get a lot of souvenirs for very very low prices 🙂




  • yvonne says:

    Hi Rica, we weren’t batch mates but Maricar and I were in the same elementary batch in St. Paul. Am currently working in New Delhi and was so happy to see your postings regarding India. I so love Sarojini and bargaining to get the very best price! Now that it is colder climate in New Delhi, my husband and I had to get warm clothes for the kids and we had to get them at Sarojini ; ). Khan Market is near to the children’s school so it is also a regular place my husband goes to to wait, and we always enjoy browsing the nice things at FabIndia. Did you try street food? And the Indian sweets are our new love! Let me know if you are thinking of coming back again. I enjoy your wonderful posts!

  • Mini Sindao says:

    Hi Ms. Rica! I got confused with November 5 and February 5 but anyway, your photos are great and I look forward to your entries everyday. Thank you very much for sharing and the tips. I heart Heart 2 Heart ^_^

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Hi Yvonne, what is your family name?
    Hi Mini, It is a typo – the date should be November 5 🙂 Thank you for viewing Heart2Heart everyday 🙂

  • yvonne says:

    Lucindo when I was single, and now Biyo

  • Great share Rica…nice to see the shops and food of course!

  • Mini Sindao says:

    Thank you, I read everything you share here 🙂 God bless!

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Oh hi Yvonne!! I will tell my sister too.
    TIta Reg, we love love India!
    Thanks Mini for visiting H2H always!! God Bless 🙂

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