Monthly Archives: November 2012

Bukhara Delhi

By | Accomodations, Foodie, Travel | 2 Comments

Mom read this and made sure we came here!


This was my personal favorite for the whole trip to India.  LOVED THE FOOD HERE!  The ceiling of the ITC Hotel hotel lobby.  Many Diplomats stay here in this hotel.  When we got there there were many security guards around the hotel


Loved the ambience of the restaurant- look at the Chefs at the back looking at me taking their photo 🙂


Bar tender made sure I took his photo too 🙂


Right side of the restaurant


Chefs are always happy there is a photo opportunity 🙂 The kitchen is circular so it encompasses both sides of the restaurant


They took us inside the kitchen for a tour- they have us white coats and hairnets to use to be able to go inside


WOW WOW WOW!! Love Love kebabs!


and Indian bread!



Apron but no utensils!  You have to eat with your hands!


This was the table where Bill Clinton ate in 🙂  


Cute bottle covers


President Bill Clinton’s menu


Menu for President Obama


Always in an Indian table – onions with pepper and lime/lemon


I can eat this everyday in India 🙂 Love papadums!


And Raita too 🙂


whole leg of spring lamb- wow!! super tender and really really good!!!!!!!!!!!


Boneless chicken kabab – just by looking at it, you can tell it’s good!!


Vegetarian kabab for our tour guide Ravi


Super yummy Naan – I don’t know what kind but this was so so good!!


Prawn Kabab!  YUMMY TOO!


Dahl – yummy for me 🙂


We give up 🙂  Thanks for the fork and knife!


My favorite Indian dessert- Kulfi – Indian ice cream.  I don’t really eat that pink noodles that comes with it


My sister’s favorite and others like this too – Gulab Jamun


Click below to go to the website of the hotel



Day 3 Touring Delhi The Jama Masjid Mosque

By | Travel | No Comments

Temples and Mosques – Another beautiful structure you will see in India!  


Good exercise 🙂


When you get to the top – it’s full of shoes 🙂


You need to wear these robes to enter! I wonder how many people have used them before us…


They sell slippers and socks for 100 rupees in case you didn’t bring! Good business! 🙂


 This is normally how it is during worship days! Wow! I just got this photo from


There is this bath in the middle and we had the chance to see something spectacular- which after awhile it was empty.  The bath was surrounded and they were all either, brushing their teeth, drinking the water, washing their face, washing their feet, head etc etc  – my dad was able to take a video of it- what an unusual event I have never seen.  At first we were shocked, but then later accepted it as something that was part of their culture – no one seemed to have been bothered about it – it was as if it were a normal occurrence and it was 

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Each box on the floor is a space for a person to worship – where they go on their knees and pray – persian carpets used to occupy these boxes one after the other



Day 3 Touring Delhi The Red Fort in Old Delhi

By | Travel | One Comment

We start the day already at 10am because we finish late the day before and still have dinner which last till around 10 or 11pm


The Red Fort in Old Delhi


Built with red sand stone


As you enter, there is a bazaar with local handicrafts.  We got distracted!!! 🙂 We had to discipline ourselves to do this after so we passed through


Vendors here have been here for a long time and their rent has been the same since then at around 16 rupees a month!  AMAZING!  They pay the whole year already in advance 🙂  So be assured that prices should not be that high – so bargain bargain bargain!


Going through – there is always an arch or a gate before the main palace


You can see it already from the side


Beautiful details in their walls and in everything!!!


Still not yet the main palace – This is the hall of public audience – always a staple in every Fort or palace – where the public gathers and the Emperor talks to the people


Marble arch where the Emperor stays and talks to his people


And go further inside – WOW!!!!!!!!  Still foggy so structures are a bit hazy


Marble with lots of carvings and inlaid!  SO SO BEAUTIFUL! I wish they could have preserved it better to see the full look of the palace


Another preview to the Taj!



Taipan at The Oberoi Delhi

By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

After all the Indian food, we took a break and had Chinese food!  Everyone’s advice is just to eat in hotels, so that is what we did.  We went to The Oberoi 


Thank you to Tito Joe and Tita Mary Ann for the lunch treat 🙂  We are happy to be with them because they are always “game” to do anything and that goes for all the eating that we love to do!  And just like my parents, they are a very religious couple, hence the prayer before meals at all times 🙂


And they love desserts too! So most of the time we always have desserts even if we are all so full already 🙂


This Oberoi hotel is a business hotel, you will see later on what I mean when you say Oberoi!  Click below to go to their website for this hotel



Surf Yoga Samba Weekend Retreat Zambales

By | Health and Fitness, Workshops | No Comments

FLOW SurfYogaSamba Weekend Retreat is turning terrific 3 this November! We’re going to celebrate our milestone with another awesome retreat with the usual Surf, Yoga Samba combination but this time in another known surf spot only 3 hours away from Manila…yep, we’re flowin’ to Zambales! Enjoy a long weekend getaway with like-minded people in dreamy destination -Casa San Miguel, Zambales.

Recharge in a relaxing Yin Yoga class by Monica Eleazar-Manzano, learn drumming and samba dancing with Escola de Samba de Manila, get healthy as the Flow team share their favorite recipes in the Green Smoothie Workshop and discover the world of raw veganism with Mona Lisa Neuboeck, a raw food chef who will be giving a talk on Raw Surf Trip – tried and tested tips & tricks on How to eat healthfully raw at any surf spot.

A newbie on the waves? Learn how to surf with Surfasana School by Corey Wills. Corey Wills, a raw vegan, PETA advocate and yogi, will also be leading a fundamentals yoga class to mentally prepare the mind & the body for surfing.

The Flow:SurfYogaSamba Weekend Retreat is on November 30 – December 2, 2012 at Casa San Miguel, Zambales. To register, please log on to

For more information, email or check us out on Facebook: flow surfyogasamba, Twitter: @surfyogasamba and

Flow:SurfYogaSamba Weekend Retreat in Zambales is presented by Havaianas, Aura Athletica, Bobble. In partnership with Belo Essentials Sun Expert, Moringana, Lightwater, Vitaminboost, Beyond Yoga. Minor Sponsors: Aloha Boardsports, Billabong. Browhaus, Strip, Lagu, Human Heart Nature, Fitness Lab. Media Partner: Travel Magazine and My Life on Board.


 Featured in an international boutique website at one of the top yoga retreats worldwide! Something to be proud of as the Philippines is slowly being internationally recognized as a yoga retreat destination


( Click below to go to the article )



Indian Dinner by Rainer and Baby

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

Thank you to Tito Joe Mari and Tita Mary Ann, we met a wonderful couple – Rainer and Baby.  They had just moved from Manila after living there for several years.  Rainer works for Schenker 


I took note of some of the collections of Baby – she had much more than this 🙂


And this was their view form the balcony!


The golf course


And the other apartment buildings in their complex


They served us cocktails in their apartment


Then we went down to the club house of the complex where we had a wonderful Indian dinner!


Baby added a Filipiniana touch to the table setting with these capiz candleholders


This was one of the best meals James and I had while in India.  The two starters were served in the apartment and they were really good!  And the rest was just the way we liked our Indian food to taste.  


A very popular vegetarian dish I noticed is paneer which is goat cheese with spinach


It was in this dinner that I discovered my love for Dahl 🙂  I don’t really eat beans, but I liked having this with my Indian food.  I had this in all my future Indian meals during the trip


The chef came out to greet us!  What a wonderful meal!!  BRAVO!


Then we had dessert – Gulab Jamun which made my sister very happy!


Thank you Rainer and Baby for your kind hospitality and for including us as part of your kind hospitality with Tito Joe and Tita Mary Ann.  We had a great time – the food, the company and the wonderful stories.  The Philippine Ambassador to India,  H.E. Benito Valeriano, was also there to join us and he had just arrived a few months ago for his post so he is new to the country as well.



Day 2 Touring Delhi

By | Travel | 2 Comments

We had 2 full days in Delhi for touring.  What’s nice about having your own tour group is you can be flexible and choose your start time and make changes easily.  So we sometimes swap itineraries, eliminate some and we can squeeze in shopping if there is time 🙂  It’s foggy in Delhi which explains the blur in the photos and in the background.  The weather was very pleasant, it was not hot and humid, it was just right and comfortable to be walking outdoors for sight seeing.  Again, no experiences of any unpleasant odors throughout the tour  


Delhi is beautiful.  I guess I had little or no expectations which is why when I got there, I was surprised to see what India had to offer.  Delhi reminded me of Europe – having been occupied by the British.  The structures and monuments are so beautiful 


Sonia Gandhi lives in Delhi and we passed her residence several times while going around the city 

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More European influence reflected in their version of the Arc de Triomphe


They had a like a Burnham Park ( Baguio ) type lake with boats 🙂 Notice how clean it is in the New Delhi area compared to the Old Delhi


Humayun’s tomb which inspired the construction of the Taj Mahal.  I am just so amazed at how beautiful and how vast a land was used just to build a tomb in those days!  


When now it is so expensive to build even small mausoleums, even a box in a crypt is prime real estate!  I truly appreciate such a structure and a gesture to commemorate and bury a person, something you will probably never ever see anymore in any lifetime


Looking at the tip of the dome ( a bit hard to see due to fog ) – as you walk nearer to the arch structure, you will see that it disappears 🙂  



At this angle, Almost the same stretch towards the Taj and a similar shape 🙂


Beautiful gardens surrounding the tomb


Playing around 🙂


The same type of tree which enlightened Buddha 🙂


View from the side of the garden


The tomb

