Flames Of Love Soundtrack by Bea Tantoco

By December 18, 2012 Entertainment 4 Comments

 Congratulations to my cousin, Bea Tantoco!!!!  She now sings for movie soundtracks!!!  Heart2Heart is so proud.  Listen to the song, click on the arrow below


From Bea

My most recent project was singing for the movie theme song of this Filipino film, Flames of Love. I watched the movie and its not your typical tagalog film. Yes, it has the drama, the infidelity, prostitution, and all that jazz but with a twist– teaching us how to pray and to go to God. I really acknowledge and support Tita Baby Nebrida for putting out a movie such as this. It’s definitely worth watching to see what is now possible for the film and entertainment industry here in the Philippines.

The song I sang was written by Baby Nebrida, composed and arranged by Chase Lomibao and Carlos Magno- featuring moi

Love,  Bea 




  • Teddy says:

    I’ve heard Bea sing live once or twice, once at Salon de Ning I think and then also at the Rogue Christmas party last year – or was it two years ago.. but it was all rock, which is not bad although I don’t really dig it much, haha! This one, however, IS a genuine revelation..she HAS a beautiful voice and is particularly lustrous in this haunting song.. a real vocal talent to take note of, I think, and she deserves praise for this number, indeed!

    All the Best of the Season to you and your family, Rica!


  • Heart2Heart says:

    Thanks Teddy for the compliment. She does have a magical voice!

  • Congratulations Bea! More power to you, your voice and music…Xoxo, Tita Reg

  • Joao says:

    Where can I get your soundtrack? It’s pretty good andi love it.

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