Style by Linda Ley

By December 28, 2012 Fashion No Comments

While at Rachelle’s party, I bumped into Linda Ley.  Of course always looking so dressed and beautiful.  

Linda is a very good customer of Rustan’s and she told me that whenever her friends sees her table setting, they ask her where she gets her beautiful things and of course she tells them it’s from Rustan’s.   


 She is very creative and knows how to put things together to make them look beautiful.  She was showing me photos of how she put together the dinnerware with the flatware and when her friends saw this, she was able to sell many sets for Rustan’s 🙂  Thank you Linda for patronizing Rustan’s and promoting our products! 🙂  Hope to see more of you at Heart2Heart  


 Linda, being very stylish and beautiful herself, was telling us that yellow gold is back and is the fashion color now – so of course my other fashionable friend, Jeanne ( also a Rustan’s shopper ), was of course very “in” flaunting her Ferragamo necklace and belt in yellow gold 🙂


 Eds was also “in” wearing her yellow gold bangles from India



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