Yearly Archives: 2012

The Imperial New Delhi

By | Accomodations, Travel | One Comment

We arrived at our hotel and all my fears of India disappeared! We were all happy to be in India!! It was beautiful!  


We had to pass the back of the hotel since the front was being renovated and they didn’t allow the big bus to pass there.  At the back is the Spa and Beauty Salon ( which I didn’t have the time to visit and see anymore )


Entry to the hotel from the back


Walking through the hallway we saw the different rooms and areas on the main floor


Till we reached the main lobby


Love the orchids again!  Each orchid placed in a tube


More orchids in the reception desk


Front of the hotel which I took one evening


By the entrance of the hotel before entering the main door, they have a Color of the day which is the color of the candy which anyone can just take from the bowl.  The other day it was green 🙂


The pool which I only got to see the day we were leaving already


Click below to visit their website



Breakfast at Imperial Hotel New Delhi

By | Foodie, Travel | 3 Comments

We arrived very early morning in Delhi from Singapore.  As soon as we arrived in the hotel, we had breakfast


And Wow! What a wonderful breakfast 🙂



This is the first time I see this in a breakfast buffet.  BREAKFAST ON THE GO!  For people who don’t have much time to have breakfast, they can just get a bag here and take with them some bread from this table.  Nice! 🙂


Our travel companions!!!  We were happy to join Dad and Mom and Tito Joe Mari and Tita Mary Ann on their trip to India


All kinds of seeds and nuts


My favorite section – All kinds of yogurt!!


Yakult!! We all had Yakult every morning to line our stomachs as recommended by Tita Mary Ann 🙂


Definitely a glass of sweet lassi for me!  YUM!


Aside from the Sweet lassi and yakult, I had this! Freshly juiced carrots, beets and watermelon.  They changed this once in awhile to another vegetable or fruit.  LOVE IT!!!


Love love Indian breads!!!


Beautiful outside seating




Singapore Airlines Lounge

By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

We took Singapore Airlines to India via Singapore.  It was a 7pm flight to Singapore then we had to wait in the lounge til around 2am for the flight to Delhi.  A bit tiring but we had no choice since other flights were full.  


Always love to see the orchids whenever in Singapore!! It’s so abundant there and so beautiful to see!!


This is the most extensive food offering I have ever seen in any lounge!



Preparing for Our Trip to India

By | Travel | 5 Comments

When I told friends we were going to India, they seemed to have many tips on what to bring.  I was actually so scared of what to expect!  So I brought all of these!!!  

I brought out all my stock of hand sanitizers and brought all!


My friend Timmy sent me this to rub on my nose to mask the smell.  She said to just rub it outside your nose 🙂 


I brought my medicine bag and made sure I had all kinds of medicines


Friends said to bring this just in case something goes wrong with our stomach! Gosh! 🙂


We brought this to make sure our immune system is strong!


Bring lots of snacks for the road trips!  I really brought!! Plus I heard lots of stories about food – not to eat on the streets, not to drink the water etc etc.  So I got so scared I made sure I had supply of food!  JUNK FOOD! haha!!


I brought bottled water!!!! just a few 🙂  They said you have to brush your teeth with bottled water!  So I got scared and brought back up supply! 


Wait and see how we survived the trip to India!!! 🙂


Planning For Our Trip to India

By | Travel | No Comments

Around three weeks before our trip, we had a meeting with Ines to discuss about our India Trip!  Ines has been organizing trips to India for 13 years already.  Mom’s friends from the Asia Society ( a group of 30 ) used IVAT for their trip and they recommended for us to do the same.  Ines says that this is the best way to go to India and we trusted her in this 🙂 


Ines handed to us our itinerary and we discussed the whole trip 


Hopefully you will be convinced as I feature our trip to India.  IVAT also organizes trips to Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Cambodia



Happy Birthday to My Fab Mom

By | Fashion, Tributes | 9 Comments

Last year I had a tribute to my Mom on her birthday posting old photos of her

Previous entry:  Menchu November 20, 2011


This year, I am showing updated photos of my Mom 40 to 50 years after!  And she still looks amazing!! Happy Birthday to my Fab Mom!!!  That is what everyone says whenever I have photos of my Mom in my website!!  And no miss whenever we are out, we always hear compliments from strangers – whether it is her glasses, her accessories, her coat, her bag or her shoe. Many think that me and my sister with mom are sisters 🙂


And this is probably her face when she sees this surprise post!  🙂  


But truly my Mom is super FAB!  She is almost 70 years old and she still looks so young and so fashionable!!  Whether she is at work, in the beach, at a dinner or at a party, in the airport – she is always at her best! I love you Mom!






