Yearly Archives: 2012

Registration Day at SPS

By | Education, For kids | One Comment

I love how they make a ritual out of registering.  I dont ever remember having to do any of this when I was a kid.  We just go to school and go to our classroom!

 In fact James and I are enjoying this tremendously – especially James 🙂  How he wished he had the chance to go to boarding school when he was younger.  I think he is the one more excited! 🙂


I just had to take a photo of the police…. How cool 🙂


 First step is to go to this building to meet the head master


And It’s a tradition for the students to go to this desk…..


….to officially sign their name that they are a student of this school!  


 Then proceed to the tents by the chapel


They give each student a CFL bulb!  


 Beverage station 🙂


Entering again the chapel


A big brother or sister ( for the girls ) will be assigned to each new student. During registration they personally take you around and bring you to your house.  This is Chris di Giacomo – form VI and big brother of Jaime.  He is in the football team 🙂


Beautiful Choir room behind the chapel.  It’s rare to see old buildings and old historical places.  I am hoping my son will learn to appreciate these things!


The old chapel.  Some school rituals and traditions are still held here.  Students spend their first and last night here 


 As the number of students increased, this became small to have their morning chapel


The clinic!  It’s a building on its own and I was so happy they had this.  This gave me more peace of mind!  The school has a full time clinic for the kids


The nurse said that the kids can call the clinic anytime for anything!! They even told the kids not to call their parents but to call them first!  and they will be the one to call the parents 🙂


I’m so glad they had this poster up!




SPS Athletic and Fitness Center

By | Education, For kids, Sports | No Comments

We always take a tour of the Sports facilities.  In boarding school, it is very important for each student to have a sport, so this is an important venue for the kids.  I am just so impressed with their facilities!!! 


They are ready!! 🙂


They have a dedicated doctor and facilities to address sports injuries! AMAZING! What a relief for me to see this!


Indoor track and field!


With Wall climbing


In the hallway you will see many photo frames of the different sports teams of every year!


I love this feature! Gigantic wipes to clean the gym equipment! 🙂




St. Paul’s School, New Hampshire

By | Education, For kids | 9 Comments

 Arrived at St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire!  WOW!! So far, among all the boarding schools we have visited, I like this campus the most!  Beautiful greenery, layout of buildings, and interiors.

Previous entry:  Philips Academy, Andover August 10, 2010

Philips Exeter Academy, Exeter, New Hampshire August 10, 2010 

Hotchkiss School Connecticut, April 19, 2012

The Lawrenceville School, New Jersey April 21, 2012


 The map of the campus!  It’s a whole world in itself.  The kids just stay inside the campus and it is self contained


 The Library- one of my favorite spots in campus


 View from the library


 Walking towards the chapel


 All students meet here 5 days of the week in the mornings to gather and listen to different speakers or to other students sharing their experiences


 They are assigned a space already in the chapel where they will sit


Post office


Art center


Kids running around campus


The newest building on campus which is a LEED building


visit their website for more information




By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

And here is Rainier 🙂 cousin of James and Dina


Rainier invited us out to try this place


You enter this hallway which has the menu on the wall


As usual I am overwhelmed and like everything on the menu 🙂


At the end of the hallway is the stone oven


Then the counter and you see the freshly baked breads


The food was really good!  Heart2Heart loves freshly baked bread/sandwiches 🙂


For more information, go to their website




Visiting Rainier

By | Travel | 2 Comments

Road trip! WOOHOO! On the way to dropping off Jaime, we passed by Rainier’s place


It’s like a cottage in the woods! Beautiful! 🙂


Josie was so happy to see Jaime!  Josie used to work for my Dad and Mom and now works with Rainier and Barbara


Recycle 🙂


Josie takes care of the family which includes 5 adorable kids! 🙂


They have two pianos in their house because all of them know how to play the piano!


Snack table with Tita Anita’s prints 🙂


Josie was so excited to show me two cabinets in their house.  She knew I would get excited! OH MY GOSH!!!!  Well with all the kids at home, they really need a lot of food in stock! 🙂


Josie baked for us some bacon and cheese cookies!! YUMMY!


Aquarium 🙂



So Mon Nan Jip

By | Foodie, Travel | 2 Comments

Arrived in New Jersey and Jaime requested to eat here!  We drove around 30 minutes from the house to get here! It was worth it 🙂









Chadol Bagey



Give Up Tomorrow

By | Hot Off the Press | One Comment

Thank you to Tin Moreno for inviting us to watch the premiere of Give up Tomorrow!  



Give Up Tomorrow is the story of Paco Larrañaga.  A young man together with 6 other boys who were accused of murdering two girls in Cebu.  


There were many issues portrayed in the file- Truth, Justice, and one thing that really struck me the most was how the family fought this through for 15 years!  Till this very day, they continue to fight for justice for their son/brother.  And for the two young girls who were murdered, it’s the same thing.  The parents will not stop till justice is served.


Heart2Heart loves the title of the movie!  It’s very applicable for everyone!  As I watch the film, I was getting so tired hearing all the excuses and denials being given to the family and seeing all the hardships the family had to go through one after the other and I am just a spectator, yet the family, till this day, have not given up!  

SHOWING TOMORROW in MANILA theaters and in Cebu in SM.  Don’t miss it!


Until this day – Paco will not admit he is guilty even if it will mean his freedom!  I admire him for that!  


Heart2Heart salutes Marty Syjuco who is featuring his first film which took him 7 years to make and finish with Michael Collins!  A must see movie!! They did such a great job in documenting it.  Marty’s brother is the brother in law of Paco


Listen here ( click below ):


Mimi Larrañaga, sister of Paco.  Another amazing character in all of this.  Watch her as she narrates the story in the movie.  Mimi is with Kat Malvar, who was one of the witnesses that took the stand.  42 other witnesses all fought for Paco and were willing to tell the truth that Paco was in manila during the time of the crime  


Last night’s premiere was organize by Tita Chona, Tita Rica and Tita Raquel.  Heart2Heart was lucky to have been part of this before it’s final showing tomorrow.  Thank you to Gina Lopez who volunteered to ask for help from the President.  The family needed someone who knew the President to ask for help in Paco’s case and Gina Lopez willingly volunteered.  God bless her!


And to all that advocate truth and justice!  For supporting Paco and his family.  

This guy is amazing! ( and funny! )   Never afraid to stand for what he believes in!  


Supportive family of Marty, the Producer

Jon Syjuco


and their Mom 🙂  

(Sorry for the dark shots, I left my camera )


Tita Chona, one of the organizers of the event with grandaughter Andie Osmeña.  Thank you for giving us the seats beside you! 🙂  


Bea Osmeña as usher 🙂


Tita Bettina Osmeña


Complete until Tito Serge Osmeña!  Another advocate of TRUTH AND JUSTICE!  After all the mom of Paco is an Osmeña, Tita Margot Osmeña. Hopefully Tito Serge can do something also


Atty. Mitoy Fernan, daughter of Chief Justice Fernan, and member of the Judicial Bar Council, Cutie del Mar and Crystal Lee


crystal lee to my left then to my right atty mitoy fernan who is a member f the judicial bar council (daughter of Chief Justice Fernan)

Queenmelo Esguerra who is helping with the distribution of the film.  Thank you Queenmelo!


After the movie, there was a Question and Answer portion -up front were the family of Paco, Marty Syjuco, The lawyer of the family and Carlos Celdran as the host ( sorry again for dark shot- thats a zoom photo from my iPhone )


So touching to hear the wife of another convict – wife of the elder Uy brother


They have a facebook page


They are also starting the Innocence Project Philippines and they need to raise P 300,000.00 to get the project going, If you would like to support, go to their facebook page for more information

innocence-project-philippines-facebook.jpg about-innocence-project-philippines.jpgabout-innocence-project-part-2.jpgbasic-info-innocence-project.jpg


More articles on the film:

phil-star-give-up-tomorrow.jpg inquirer-lifestyle-give-up-tomorrow.jpg



Delta Airlines SkyBreak Basket

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

Heart2Heart enjoyed the meals on Delta Airlines!  I normally don’t like airplane food but for the second time using Delta to the US, I looked forward to the meals.  I also try to eat well when traveling because I don’t want my immune system to go down, it is difficult to get sick when traveling.  I used to diet and not eat during flights and later on felt weak and I could see it in my nails that I was not nourished!  Thanks to better airline food, I don’t do that anymore!


I tried the Japanese meal this time, trying to be healthy 🙂  


It was really healthy, that even after, you are still hungry! 🙂  They say that is you feel light and hungry after, that means your meal was healthy.  When you feel bloated and regretting you ate, definitely your meal was unhealthy!! 🙂


James had the western.  We always order different so we can share and try more dishes


Dessert tray!!!  Made up for the healthy! haha!!


And this is something I miss all the time, because I sleep always during the flight.  This time, I stayed up and watched movies and visited the snack tray!!! LOVE IT!!! 🙂  Everyone is usually asleep too, so it is dark in the cabin – so used a flash to take this photo


I got one of each and made baon some 🙂 and oh my gosh, I got two bananas for James and I to eat when we land, and when we got to baggage claim- the security and his dog smelled the banana and we just told him the truth that it was from the plane – but he put a sticker on our customs form and they had to xray our luggage on the way out!  So, lesson learned, do not bring the banana from the plane! 🙂  its part of the fruits and vegetables that are not allowed!


Before landing…love the sight of clouds that look so soft – yet when you go through them its bumpy! haha!! I love them and I hate them 🙂


Before arriving we have another meal!


James got the hot meal ( savory )


 And I got the cereal which was really really good – I was happy 🙂  Take note of the banana which I put on the side and still took out with me from the plane!


This was the SkyBreak Basket on the way back home!  

