Yearly Archives: 2012

White Asparagus and Burrata at Masseto

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Heart2Heart is feeling so much the Italian spirit! 🙂  I love Italy! 

As soon as I received the text that the Burrata arrived, we went to Masseto as soon as we could!  I brought my two handsome dates with me 🙂


Burrata Tomatoes!! HEAVEN!  YUM! Unfortunately as I post this, there is no more stock of the cheese but will be arriving again on June 23!!!  Don’t miss it!! I will be back!!! And another arrival on July 7  


Jaime ordered the White Asparagus Gazpacho


Jamon Serrano!!  We got 100 grams


Hi Tips!!  Sorry it’s a dark photo


Gerry, Tina and Sevrine were also there! (Tins you were right, i needed a flash! )  


 Thanks for sharing your champagne and wine!  


Garoupa, Fideo, Chorizo and Squid – YUM! Love the crispy crust on top of the fish and then the fideo was really good. A must try dish!


For some reason we got so full right away!  But I made sure I ordered my Buffalo wings!!! with rice!! 🙂  


Lao painting


And a Mallari in the ladies restroom- love it!!!


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(63 918) 811 8088

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Il Barbiere di Siviglia

By | Arts and Culture, Celebrations, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

I think it runs in the Tantoco blood as I observe and see how my mom and all her sisters can multi task and do so many things at the same time!  

My Tita Nedy who aside from being at the helm of many of the family businesses – Rustan’s Commercial Corp ( dept store ), Stores Specialists Inc ( SSI ), Rustan’s Marketing Specialists ( RMSI – Marks and Spencer ), Rustan’s Marketing Corp ( RMK )  – She is also busy with many socio civic activities and cultural activities.  She is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Cultural Center of the Philippines and President of the Philippine Italian Association!  She is amazing!  


Last May 8, she introduced to us her upcoming project which is in partnership and celebration of many important milestones.  Here is her presentation on her project and what it is all about.  

In celebration of three momentous events—the 65th year of the diplomatic relations between the Philippines and Italy, the 60th anniversary of Rustan’s, and the 50th anniversary of the Philippine-Italian Association—Rustan’s, the Cultural Center of the Philippines, in cooperation with the Italian Embassy proudly present Gioachino Rossini’s finest comic opera:  Il Barbiere di Siviglia. 



The staging of The Barber of Seville comes after the Philippine staging of “La Traviata” last March and the scheduled performance of “Madame Butterfly” in June, two of the well-loved Italian tragic operas.  After these two tragic operas, the marvellous wit and humour of The Barber of Seville will provide Filipinos with a refreshing break.



The opera will be brought to life at the Cultural Center of the Philippines through the direction of Antonio Petris, with music from the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Ruggero Barbieri.  The cast of internationally acclaimed Filipino and Italian artists is led by the most-awarded Filipino soprano Rachel Gerodias as Rosina, premiere Filipino tenor Arthur Espiritu as Conte d’ Almaviva,  Filipino baritone Andrew Fernando as Basilio,


 and international award-winning baritones Mario Cassi as Figaro and Marco Filippo Romano as Dr. Bartolo.

We have invited you all here today so we may generate the media support needed to make this opera a success, a feat that will translate into support for its beneficiaries– the Endowment Fund of the Philippine-Italian Association and the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra’s forthcoming US concert tour in 2013. 




At this point, please allow me to share with you what the Philippine-Italian Association is all about.



Philippine-Italian relations can be traced as far back as 1521 when cartographer Antonio Pigafetta arrived in Mactan, Cebu as part of Magellan’s crew, and later took part in bestowing the Santo Niño to the people of Cebu.  Today, he is commemorated through a bronze statue in the City of Mactan commissioned by the Philippine-Italian Association or PIA, and the relationship that he started is being fostered through the various efforts of PIA. 



PIA was established on February 19, 1962 by an Italian lady by the name of Signora Lina Paolini, who married Filipino artist Diosdado Lorenzo of Nueva Ecija, recipient of the 1970 Republic Cultural Heritage Award, a recognition equivalent to the National Artist Award that we know today.


Signora Lorenzo served as PIA’s Secretary-General until her passing last October 2011 at the age of 97.  A glimpse into the life of Mrs. Lorenzo and her husband as seen through his work is featured in the book “Diosdado Magno Lorenzo, Art Rebel to Legend”. 



PIA promotes Philippine-Italian relations by offering language courses as well as translation and interpretation services, and through its active involvement in various cultural exchange programs, and participation in cultural events, very much in synch with the Italian Embassy and the Cultural Center of the Philippines.



Language courses are conducted by Italian professors and Filipinos who have undergone training in Italy with license to teach.  We also have a library with over 2,000 Italian books and periodicals, which may be a significant resource for the Filipino public and researchers in general.




PIA sponsored the Philippine visit, arranged by the Italian Embassy, of Dr. Maria Teresa Castellano, an expert from the prestigious Superior Institute for Art Conservation and Restoration in Rome.  During her visit, she gave a free three-day lecture and hands-on workshop at the UP Diliman.



PIA was also the main sponsor of the Filipino delegation to the Philippine Cultural Festival held in Florence in 2010, which allowed 100 students from UP Diliman to stage a cultural show and art exhibit in Italy.  



During the celebration of the Italian National Day held each year in June, festivities allowed Filipinos to experience and marvel at the wonders of Italian culture with events such as the concert by Uto Ughi, Italy’s greatest living violinist, if not the world, and by Eugenio Bennato and Taranta Power, the group that revived the Tarantella, the thousand year-old ritual from Southern Italy that uses frenetic infectious music and dance.



PIA is a founding member of EUNIC:  European Union National Institute for Culture, Cluster Philippines, a network of organizations dedicated to propagating cultural exchange between the Philippines and EU member states through cultural activities.



In the most recent Italian Film Festival MovieMov: Italian Cinema Now, organized by the Italian Embassy, Filipino director Brillante Mendoza was honored by featuring three of the filmmakers masterpieces during the festival—“Serbis” (competed in Cannes in 2008), “Kinatay” (where Mendoza won as best director in Cannes in 2009) and “Lola” (which was screened at the Venice film festival).  The festival also featured for the first time in the Philippines Dario Argento’s Dracula in 3D, whose lead actress Marta Gastina graced the event.  It even featured old films such as Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor.



The underlying goal of all these activities is to bring the Italian world to the Filipinos and to bring the Filipino world to the Italians.  In doing so, we want these fundraisers to contribute to PIA’s Endowment Fund and sustain the support it has been giving to Italian Missions in the Philippines.



For the Servants of Charity in Tandang Sora, Quezon City headed by Fr. Luigi de Giambatista, PIA’s efforts have resulted to:

          the complete furnishing of the home for special children with beds, beddings, towels and other bath fixtures and accessories.  The facility can accommodate 25 special children.  Here are some of them on this slide.

          pia-press-conference-may-8-for-zrt-speech-16.jpg the establishment of the Providence Bakery, a community store that provides its underprivileged patrons with affordable pandesal while generating some income for the organization

          annual Christmas drive

          quarterly cash donations



For the Sisters Handmade of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in Quezon City headed by Sr. Renata Strolla and the Canossian Sons of Charity in Tondo, Manila and Tagaytay headed by Fr. Giovanni Gentilin (who is famous for his Italian gelato), PIA’s efforts include:

          annual Christmas drive that provides clothing, shoes and a Noche Buena fare for Christmas Eve.

          quarterly cash donations



The funds generated from this Opera have been earmarked for the following activities:

          construction of the roof for the multi-purpose court at the Servants of Charity compound;

          a 6-month feeding program for the 80 children (aged 6-15 years old) and 40 adults (parents of the children) that are under the care of the Sister Handmaids of Charity;

          and Php500,000 to support the clinic run by the Canossian Sons of Charity taking care of abandoned new-borns and infants, among others.

So there is a lot to do.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors once again:

Ambassador Luca Fornari of the Italian Embassy for his valuable wisdom and good advice on how to produce a perfect Opera, and for providing the best contact in Rome; 

          My father Ambassador Tantoco of Rustan, who gave his all-important “yes” to the project which he will support;

          Dr. Raul Sunico, Nestor Jardin amd Cris Millado for their full cooperation for use of the facilities of the CCP; and

          Dear Sonja Vodusek of the Peninsula Hotel for her sweet “yes” to be a full Hotel Sponsor for this Charity Event.pia-press-conference-may-8-for-zrt-speech-20.jpg

I cannot underscore enough how significant the success of this Opera would bring not only to its production team and artists, but more so to all the Filipinos, mostly children, that depend on PIA’s support.  I enjoin all of you to help make PIA’s Opera “THE BARBER OF SEVILLE” a truly memorable occasion.  As we savour the energy and good humour from this Opera, may we be inspired to support the efforts that would give the gift of happiness to those who need them most.  

The other beneficiary of the Opera is the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra, whose time has come to do a US Concert tour in 2013.  They are more than ready to bring Philippine music abroad to the United States of America – to show them why it’s more fun in the Philippines… because of our beautiful music and talents.

Thank you very much


65th Anniversary of Italian Relations

By | Arts and Culture, Travel | No Comments



Ambasciata d’Italia









65 years of Italian- Philippine Diplomatic Relations


From an official point of view, regular relations, at a diplomatic level, were established after Italy became a nation. From a research work, done also with the precious help of the National Archives in Rome and Manila, work that has, however, room for improvement, it is possible to affirm that even before the constitution of the kingdom of Italy, the Philippine islands were already one of the favourite destinations of many Italians for a possible settlement, also thanks to the wonderful description of the islands made in 1521 by Venetian Antonio Pigafetta, the first ever to have written a text about the Philippines. In fact, before 1821, there was already a small community of Italians in Manila, who were involved in commercial activities.


After the constitution of Italy as a nation, the young Italian kingdom, ruled by King Vittorio Emanuele II and by famous Prime Minister Camillo Benso Cavour, tried to outline a foreign policy in order to establish relations with all the nations of the world and extend Italy’s political and cultural presence also in parts of the world very far from Italy, including the Far East. At that historical time the only way to foster contacts and relations was through diplomatic- consular channels and through the Navy which was sent on many occasions in political, diplomatic, commercial and cultural missions. A ship captain, Admiral Armijion, sent on a political diplomatic journey all over Asia, signed in 1886 the first agreement with Japan and then with China, till then ignored by Italy at an official level.

After that year Italy started getting interested more and more in the Far East and so in the Philippines as well, which belonged at that time to Spain! The Royal sloop “Princess Clotilde” was the first Italian ship to visit Manila from the 22nd to the 26th October 1868 under the command of Admiral Carlo Aberto Racchia sent on a secret mission to explore the Philippine islands because the Italian government wanted to see if the Philippines could be a suitable place for an Italian settlement. Admiral Racchia wrote a detailed report to Rome saying that Spain occupied no more than 2/3 of the Philippines and that there were many populated islands where the Spanish rule was unknown. He also expressed quite a negative opinion on the situation of the Philippines under Spanish rule pointing out that the commerce was languishing and industry was not well developed. As to the Italian presence in Manila he wrote there was a very small Italian presence (7/8 nationals).


Thanks to the opening of the Suez Channel the Italian links and interests towards the Philippines increased and in 1871 the Italian Government sent another important naval mission to Asia and so the Royal sloop of war “Vettor Pisani”, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Giuseppe Lovera di Maria , sailed in 1871 towards Asia. While Captain Lovera was in Hong-Kong he was informed of an insurrection broken out in the Philippines and so, after sending a dispatch to Rome, he left for Manila on March 1st 1872!

In another dispatch to Rome he wrote that arriving in Manila he had found the precious support of a Royal Italian Consul. From a research done in the Historical -Diplomatic Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome it comes out that in July 1873 there was a Consul and a vice-Consul in Manila: respectively Giuseppe Gomez and Ernesto Parodi. It is, therefore, possible to say at on March lst  1872 there were already political-diplomatic regular relations between Italy and the Philippines ruled by Spain.


In a document dated October 26th 1874, it is possible to read that a visa to go to the Philippines had been released to a mister Carlo Sassi, director of an opera company made up of 16 components.


In 1877 the captain of the battle cruiser “Cristoforo Colombo”, named after the Genoan who discovered America, in his report to Rome, after visiting the Philippines, suggested the central government that it would have been suitable to open an Italian Consulate in Ilo-llo and also wrote that he saw the first Italian merchant ships in the port of the town of Panay.


On June 1st 1879 a certain Enrico Barretto was Royal Consul of Italy in Manila, Cornelio Pickford was consular agent in Cebù and Enrico Filippo Gray was the consular agent in Ilo-llo. In March 1880 we have the First Report on the Philippines by a Consul, in which he informs the Italian government on the general situation of the Philippine trade writing that the following products were manufactured and exported: Sugar, Tobacco, Cigars, Nacre shells, Pina fabric, extract of the plant Ylan-Ylan for the European perfume makers. He concludes his report saying that it was his great wish that the Italian presence in the archipelago could increase, also pointing out that the Italian products, especially food, were in high demand in Manila.


During a further trip of sloop of war “Vittor Pisani”, the Captain carried out some hydrographic researches in the island of Ticao and in April 1884 a project for the harbour of Ticao island was published on the Italian Maritime Magazine. During another trip the captain took soundings on the sea bed finding a better passage to enter the harbour of Cataingan. Such research was later presented on all nautical charts.


A document dated 19th December 1888 shows that a Mr Polloini, who was one of the members of the Chiarini Circus had arrived in Manila from Hong-Kong.


In 1889 the Italian government appointed Mr Francesco Reyes (belonging to a family of rich merchants) Consul in Manila. It is certain that for 15 years he represented in an excellent way the Italian interests in the Philippines and informed also the Italian government in a very detailed way about the tragic events of the Philippine revolution and the arrival of Americans in the Philippines in 1898.


At the beginning of the Revolution there were about 30 Italians living in Manila and the relations between Italy and the Philippines were ruled by the agreements Italy had signed with Spain. In fact the Royal Consulate depended from an administrative point of view from the Royal Embassy in Madrid. Also Consul Reyes tried to enhance the relations between our 2 countries. He succeeded in organizing a permanent expo of Italian products in Manila thanks also to the cooperation of the Chambers of Commerce of Milan and Turin. In that period Italy exported towards the Philippines mortadella, other kinds of food, wines, vermouth, hats, clothes, matches, beauty creams, medicines. Reyes also sent to Italy samples of Philippine products. From a cultural point of view, at the very end of the century, there was a great increase of Italian theatrical and opera companies, musicians, singers and artists performing in Manila!


However following the Philippine revolution, the flourishing of the Philippine-Italian relations diminished. In a diplomatic dispatch, dated 24th November 1896, Reyes informed our government that he had prepared an evacuation plan for the Italian community. During the revolution, the Italian Consulate remained closed for 4 months for safety reasons.


In the first part of the XX century and till the 30’s we do not have much information about the Philippine-Italian relations. The only piece of information we have come from the reports prepared by the captains of the ships visiting Manila. From October 21st to November 2nd 1904 H.R.H the Duke of the Abruzzi (brother of the King of Italy) visited Manila and sent quite a negative impression on the administrative situation under the US rule and witnessed that the Muslims in Mindanao were in full rebellion! Another captain wrote that the Italian community in Manila was one of the most numerous of Asia and had very good relations with the locals. Almost all the Italians who settled in Manila during the American administration were engineers and entrepreneurs, who had the task of building infrastructures and public works.

We are also informed that for the first time there was an association of Italians in Manila called “La Famiglia Italiana”.


However the impending war in Libya concentrated the Italian interests in the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover the further calamity of World War I was going to distance even further Italy from the Philippines.


Only after 1930 we have interesting pieces of information about our relations through the Italian Embassy in Washington D.C. In 1935 the Italian Royal Consul in Hong Kong during an inspection trip to Manila pointed out the necessity of opening a diplomatic seat in Manila and so in 1936 an Italian Consulate was set up again.

On January 25th 1937 a direct radio link between Rome and Manila was established and President Manuel Quezon inaugurated such a service sending a message to Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, who promptly returned his greetings on January 27th. In that period the bilateral relations were important and numerous and a shipping line started to connect regularly Trieste and Manila.


On June 8th we are informed that some missionaries opened a printing office with 21 local employees and the Italian government sent a contribution.


Another important sign of the friendship between our 2 countries was the official statement issued for the death of Guglielmo Marconi, the great Italian scientist.


In August 1937 another social-cultural association was opened for the Italian community called “The lictorian Italian circle”.


In January 1938 the crew of the war cruiser “Montecuccoli”, the Royal Consul and the Italian community laid a wreath on the Rizal monument in Luneta.


On November 21st 1938, on the occasion of the departure of the Italian Consul, the Philippine President Manuel Quezon organized a gala dinner at Malacanang and invited also members of the Italian community.


On December 1938 the Labour Secretary, Dr. Torres was on a state visit to Italy and as he wanted to visit Libya; The Foreign Secretary, Galeazzo Ciano, send a telegram to Libya’s governor, the legendary aviator and commander Italo Balbo,   him to accompany Dr. Torres during his trip and to make him feel at home.  


However the beginning of the 2nd World War interrupted that positive period of friendship and cooperation between our 2 countries.

During the 2nd World War Italian soldiers and civilians were sent to imprisonment camps by the Americans, then liberated.


After World War II the diplomatic relations were established again on November 3rd 1946 when Vittorio Strigari was appointed Charge d’affaires. Then in 1948 the Philippine Government opened a diplomatic representation in Rome, which became an Embassy on August 9th  1956. However in the last 50 years the relations between our 2 countries have been characterized by a growing friendship and solidarity and they have become more significant in all fields since 1986 when the democratic values in the Philippines started getting stronger again, so facilitating the development of a high level political dialogue, which has steadily improved through numerous bilateral exchange visits.


In 1988 on the occasion of the visit of President Corazon Aquino to Italy a Cooperation for Development Program was signed and implemented (prefabricated houses, infrastructures, equipment expertise and also scholarships were provided) and on the same occasion a Cultural Agreement was also signed but the Executive Program has not come into force yet, although, at present, both the Ambassador of Italy and the DFA are at work to finalize it at the soonest. Definitely its signing will bring forward a much richer exchange program in the field of education and the arts.


After Mrs Aquino’s visit there were other exchange visits. We would like to recall the State Visit of President Ramos to Italy in 1994, Hon. Domingo Siazon’s visit in I995 and more recently in 1997 the visit of Undersecretary of State, Patrizia Toia, and former Prime Minister Romano Prodi. These visits were also useful to implement business relations between our 2 countries, they increased the Italian investments and the Italian government financial contribution to implement projects to alleviate the social problems of the capital and the region. Several hospitals were inaugurated and Italy is very active to donate equipment and financial contribution in aid of the NBI’s anti-child abuse program.


As to culture since 1996 the Italian Government has appointed an Italian professor who, besides teaching at the University of the Philippines, has also the task of handling the cultural affairs of the Embassy.


You certainly know that at UP Diliman there is a Department of Italian whose number of students has increased dramatically in the past few years. In 1997 two hundred students were enrolled in the Italian courses while in the academic year 2011-2012 the number of students increased to more than one thousand.


As to the faculty members, the Italian Section has at present 8 Filipino professors who have been sent to Italy on the basis of a scholarship program for graduates and faculty members. Annual scholarships have been offered on a regular basis since 1999.


At UP in 1999 an Italian student club called “Piccola Italia” was established with the purpose of promoting the Italian culture and also of developing friendly relations with the Italian community in Manila.



In the last years the presence in Italy of a very active and well-liked Filipino Community has created new links of esteem and solidarity between our two peoples arousing also a great deal of interest towards the Philippines’s traditions and culture.


In the Philippines there is today an Italian community of about 4000 people. Among them, I would most especially like to acknowledge the presence of hundreds of missionaries and volunteer workers across this country who bring messages of hope and good will into action.


So Italy is part of the Philippine experience and it is the Italian Government’s wish to keep alive a culture of dialogue with the generous people of this splendid tropical land.


Made in Italy

21-29 June 2012

Shangri-La Hotel, Makati


A nine-day Italian feast will be held at the Shangri-La, Makati beginning June 21. As the name connotes, “Made in Italy” will be featuring all things Italian: from food, to music, to paintings, to fashion, and even vehicles like Ferrari and vespa.  A definite treat for Italian fans all over Manila


Casa Artusi Philippines

By | Arts and Culture, Foodie, Recipes, Travel | No Comments

Not only did Gaita visit Casa Artusi in Italy, She also brought Casa Artusi to the Philippines!  This is the first culinary school that will open outside Italy!  Thank you Gaita for sharing your new venture with Heart2Heart!  Congratulations to you and more power!

I will let Gaita do the talking to introduce Casa Artusi 🙂 







Man of the Hour

By | Father's Day, What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

This coming Father’s Day, give dad a present that he will surely love with ideal gift items only from Rustan’s. 

On his special day, dad keeps a laid-back style with classic denims and colorful polo shirts paired with canvas sneakers, leather shoes and loafers from Faconnable. Hackett also has their Aston Martin polo shirts, boat shoes and fitted trousers. Topping off every ensemble are a variety of accessories like belts from Nautica and Faconnable, bow ties from Dibi Ties and fedora hats from Hackett.



Dads can even spruce it up with Montblanc’s choice pieces with cufflinks, Flyback steel watch and their messenger bag.




Stylish carry-ons are a must during a relaxing weekend vacation so pack his essentials in Bric’s Life Pilot Trolley. Boat shoes are also a great addition to his wardrobe. They’re easy to wear and versatile enough to go with trousers or shorts. Choose from a variety of styles and colors from Faconnable and Seavees and checkout the light-weight polos from Tommy Bahama to complete his weekend ensemble.


Pieces that liven up their home or work space make for great gifts as well. Rustan’s Discovery Shop houses one-of-a-kind display pieces that reflect dad’s different hobbies. The Discovery Shop’s collection of vintage clocks from Newgate London is a striking pieces for any space. Authentic Models magnifying glasses and globespheres make for interesting conversation-starters, as well as the Prizmic & Brill display plane that is surely a stand out.


For the men that have forever changed our lives, they deserve only the best that their loved ones can give.




For more gift selections for your dad, visit and inquire at all Rustan’s department Store branches: Rustan’s Makati, 813-3739; Rustan’s Shangri-la, 633-4636; Rustan’s Alabang, 850-5532; Rustan’s Gateway, 911-2401


Kudeta, Seminyak Bali

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On our last night in bali, almost everyone drove down about an hour from the resort to go to Kudeta in Seminyak.  We were a bit late to see the sunset but it was still beautiful and very alive with music and a very nice ambience




Click below to go to their website for more information




Bali Driver with Distinction

By | Travel | One Comment

 My friend, Roselyn, who used to live in Bali, recommended Dean of Driver with Distinction.  I called him and we used them during our stay.  The drivers are all very good and safe.  So if you need to rent a car with driver, this would be a good choice 


Go to their Facebook page for more information
