Yearly Archives: 2012

Nikki’s Ballet Performance

By | Arts and Culture, Entertainment, For kids | 3 Comments

And yet a near to professional dance number by my 11 year old niece, Nikki!! Not only is she very intelligent, she can dance too!  SHE IS AMAZING!!!  I am so proud! I am claiming fame for all my nieces and nephews!!     


Direction and Choreography by James and Liesl Laforteza 

from  Steps Dance Studio

Click below to go to their website for more information 



Easter Celebration Spanish Night

By | Arts and Culture, Celebrations, Education, For kids | 3 Comments

Following Lolo’s birthday was Easter Sunday!  So the celebration continues! Thank you to Tita Nedy for organizing and for all the details she puts into making a memorable event 


The day before, Lolo kept asking my Titas about the Loboc Choir.  They did not know how to answer because they were planning to surprise him with that – so you can imagine how happy he was when they performed for him.  Lolo not only patronizes Educational programs but also many cultural programs. I could listen to the  Loboc children’s choir all day and never get bored

Previous entry:  River of Songs July 7, 2008  



I got this photo from my cousin, Marie!  love it!!  Everyone was taking photos and videos!! Stage moms, lolas, titos, titas, cousins!! EVERYONE!!


Click below to watch the videos!! I was among all that crowd taking videos and photos and I really had to squeeze my way to capture these videos! haha!  Thanks to my patient sister for choreographing and getting the girls together to dance Swan Lake for their Lolo



and a beautiful Piano performance by Gabbi.  So many talented fourth generation kids!





Tantoco Donates to His Grade School

By | Education, Giving Back | No Comments

Lolo has always been a generous person.  We are all very proud of him!  Since we were kids, he would always make sure he would give back to the community.  And also of course to us, he never stops giving – materials things and of course more importantly his love and guidance which we appreciate more and can never get enough of.  Thank you Lolo for giving and giving and for teaching us how to give



Moroccan Night

By | Celebrations | 5 Comments

My Lolo is 91 years old and he is very very strong, very very sharp and very very happy!!!! And you can see it in his smile! 🙂


Because he has a family that loves him!!

We are around 70 in the family ( from 2nd to 4th generation ) and he knows all of us and even knows details about our lives.  He can even tell us stories from his childhood!




We all dressed up in Moroccan attire since his birthday was Moroccan theme


Love the set up made by Rustan’s Visual Group


And Moroccan food of course 🙂


And belly dancers to complete the Moroccan theme night 🙂


I was not able to take videos that night but was able to get some clips form Dad’s videos – Some belly dancing, a beautiful number by Jaime and Sofie and the fireworks!! Click below to watch


And more entertainment by Bong Cerrudo and other family members


Happy Birthday Lolo Benny!!!



Pike Place Market, Seattle

By | Shopping, Travel | No Comments

Heart2Heart just loves markets!


James ( in the brochure ) is really the guy you meet at the information booth and he will not only tell you about the market but he can tell you anything about Seattle! 🙂


Steps leading to the Pike Place Market Mascot, Rachel the Pig.  The steps have names of all the market donors who supports the Foundation.  Rachel the Pig is also a piggy bank and you can donate as well 🙂


I saw this truck with many fresh daffodils!!! BEAUTIFUL!  I suspect those are the daffodils for display in the market


And this is where all the fun starts!!  The Flying Fish 🙂


And more stalls in the market


A scene in “Sleepless Seattle” was filmed here.  James and I had a snack here 


Really love these cheese boards made out of wine bottles – 


There is an Oriental market 

img_6253.JPG img_6217.JPG


A cute creamery!




A cheesecake place


A place with all kinds of olive oils!


Click below to visit their website for more information



Brunch at Art Restaurant, Four Seasons Hotel Seattle

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

We were so hungry waiting for a late lunch, we decided to get a quick bite downstairs

We saw that the restaurant joined the Dine Around Seattle 


so we chose the US$ 15.00 lunch which cost even cheaper than one dish on the menu  


Wow!  Good value or money meal 🙂 James and I just split this and we were still okay for our lunch at 130pm


Click below to go to their website for more information:




Beecher’s at Pike Place Market, Seattle

By | Cheese, Travel | No Comments

My most favorite place in Pike Place Market!!!! I’ve always wanted to have my own cheese shop!!!


Love these cheeseplates made out of recycled wine bottles!! 


We tried the famous Mac and Cheese


Made with real cheese!!  I suggest you wait for it to cool down a bit rather than eat it straight from the chafing dish when it’s really hot.  Let it cool down so the cheese is not too watery


There is a seating area where you can watch them make some cheese while you eat the yummy mac and cheese 🙂 


Curds!! James doesn’t like cheese as much as I do, but he seemed to be going back and forth for tasting 


Click below to go to their website for more information


