Yearly Archives: 2012

Strong Bones, Stronger Ties by Anlene

By | Health and Fitness | No Comments

Osteoporosis is a hard-hitting bone disease that is currently affecting a great number of Filipinos. While some individuals feel the manifestation of pain, majority of those afflicted by osteoporosis hardly feel a thing. Everything feels normal, only to find out that they are already at risk after undergoing a bone scan. This is why osteoporosis is often called the silent disease – it creeps like a thief in the night, claiming the lives of unsuspecting victims.

Lene Almoniña and her sister Mary Ann Suzon found out that they are at risk of osteoporosis after having a bone scan analysis conducted by Anlene. Lene, 50, married and with two children, was not aware of her bone condition. Busy running their own business, Lene has her mind on more pressing matters. Besides, she didn’t feel anything wrong with her body.


“Last year, I saw the Anlene Bone Scan booth in a mall and thought I’d have myself checked. It was when I found out that I was in moderate risk of osteoporosis,” Lene recalled.

Mary Ann, on the other hand, already felt pain on her left knee that ran up to her back. She found it difficult to walk at times. At 48 with four children, Mary Ann would commute to work but, lately, would ask her husband to give her a ride because of the pain. When she went to the Anlene Bone Scan activity held in a mall, she learned that she was already under the high risk category.

Mary Ann became alarmed and worried that she might not be able to go to work anymore. It was at this point that she decided to do something about her condition. She followed the advice of the attending nutritionist at the Anlene booth to watch her diet, get some exercise, and drink Anlene as a nutrition supplement. 

Lene and Mary Ann are just two of the more than 1 million Filipinos who have benefitted from the Anlene Bone Health Check campaign. Started in 1999, the nationwide caravan has remarkably helped propagate information on the debilitating silent disease. The caravan provides free bone scanning and assessment, and useful pointers on how to address the onset of osteoporosis.


Osteoporosis occurs when the bone mass decreases quickly more than the body can replace it, leading to a net loss of bone strength. As a result, a slight bump or fall can result to fracture. It affects all bones in the body but fractures occur mostly in the spine, hips, and wrist. Broken bones bring severe pain, and both hip and spine fractures were found out to be associated with a higher risk of death – 20% of those who suffer hip fracture die within six months after the fracture.

Proper exercise, keeping a healthy lifestyle and regular intake of calcium-rich milk such as Anlene can help prevent osteoporosis. Anlene is the only milk that is clinically proven to reduce bone breakdown within four weeks.

My condition has improved with the help of Anlene,” shares Mary Ann. “When I had another bone scan assessment last December, I found out that from high risk, I am now down to moderate risk. I can now take long walks and I no longer feel the pain. My target is to further reduce my condition to low risk, of course with the help of Anlene.”

Lene, though her condition remains stable, vows not to put her health at further risk. Aside from taking Anlene, she also gets involve in physical activities such as aerobics and badminton.

“I got scared when I found out I was under the moderate risk category. But with proper diet, the right exercise and regular intake of Anlene, I have stronger bones now,” says Lene.

The Anlene Bone Health Check continues to reach to countless Filipinos all over the country. For 2012, the project is aimed at scanning another 1 million Filipinos, with a total investment amounting to P50 million to roll out the campaign on osteoporosis awareness. The activities are held in various barangays and malls so that more people can have easy access to free bone scanning and assessment. The progam also scans people across Asia, Australia and the Middle East.  It is run in partnership with GE Healthcare, a world leader in medical imaging technology.


Source:  Article from Anlene


Corner Tree Cafe

By | Foodie, Health and Fitness | 2 Comments

Heart2Heart is trying to eat healthy! 🙂  Finally after wanting to try this place for the longest time, I found the opportunity to have lunch here.  I heard about this place from the Shopwise people who work across this place.  Corner Tree Cafe is a vegetarian restaurant.  I wish there were more vegetarian and healthy places in the country  


Such a quaint and cozy place!! I LOVE IT! 


I approached the owner, Chiqui Mabanta, so i could include her in my feature 🙂  Here she is in her cute corner in her resto.  She said that it is her only branch for now and has been in existence for three years already 


I dragged the two boys to join me for lunch before the business meeting we had.  Thanks guys for accompanying me!  They observed that everyone in the cafe is trim and healthy, maybe coming from yoga class and here we were looking like we didn’t fit in. haha!!


They are so sweet they even decided to split the Peanut butter banana smoothie! 🙂 


and there was this sign on every table – they serve Kangen Water 


I love appetizers/starters!  🙂  We ordered so many but we finished them in one gulp! 🙂  Eating healthy means eating light which I guess many of us are not used to


Greek Spinach Filo Triangles ( Spanakopitas ) 


Spinach Feta Croquettes 


Pizza Bianca 


Corner Tree Starter Plate 


Mediterranean Salad 


Baked Tofu Walnut Burger 


Sicilian Tomato Bread Soup 



Cream Cheese and Chocolate Brownie corner-tree-cafe-029.jpg

Chiqui is an Assumptionista!! WOOHOO! 🙂 


Vegan items for sale 




By | Great Inventions, Sports | One Comment




I am not a tri athlete or any kind of athlete for that matter 🙂  but Gianina says Yurbuds is great for even just listening to music.  I got one and all my three boys are fighting over who will get it!  🙂

 Gianina and Maiqui Dayrit of Cascos Inc – Distributors of Yurbuds







Pepita’s Lechon

By | Foodie, Proud to be Pinoy! | 11 Comments

Thank you my good friend Margie and to Teddy Montelibano, for inviting me to this wonderful experience!!  Margie and I didn’t eat the whole day in preparation for our anticipated Lechon dinner 


We arrived at this house…


The home of Dedet 🙂  and the dinner was organized by Spanky.  Dedet told me that a few years ago she took lessons from Reggie Aspiras on how to make lechon and when she finally did learn, she experimented and did her own version which to me is really a very unique way of serving lechon.  More power to you Dedet!


Other guests who shared the dinner with us

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I sat down to this cute table setting –


I of course chose the one with the pink piggy 🙂 


and there was a piggy on the table made out of bread! I was waiting for someone to eat it so i could taste it too, but since no one did, I figured it was just for decoration! 🙂   


  There are two ways to have Pepitas Lechon.  First is to come over to Dedet’s home and she will prepare a degustation meal with 3 lechons of your choice for 14 people.  Bring your own bottle of wine if you wish, sodas come with the dinner.  The second way is to just order the lechons from her and serve it in your home or parties

That evening, she hosted our dinner.  Good thing I didn’t eat the whole day! 🙂 I didn’t know they were going to serve 4 lechons!  I love the fact that everything in the menu is PINOY!  Even if it has a twist, the dishes are using PINOY ingredients.

Our degustation!   


Pinoy Pate made with balut


Pinoy caviar made with fish roe ( bihod )


This was supposed to be rellenong bulaklak but instead this crispy lumpia wrapper with quesong puti and melon was served


Pinoy pasta – Carbonara pasta with chicharon 🙂


Our table when everyone left to get their first lechon dish! 


You go to the terrace where there is a lady waiting by the lechon….waiting for us to come so she can cut the lechon 🙂 


And here it is 


Always made with love 🙂


Everyone loved the sound of the crunch coming from cutting the lechon – someone said it would be nice as a ringtone!  haha!!  Watch the video to hear the crackling of the crispy skin!


The first lechon was the Filipino lechon which had sisig rice inside!  I liked it but I think I would have liked it even more if the sisig was also crispy! WOW!!! Sorry Iw as not able to take a proper photo as I was on the other side of the table and believe me the lechon disappears fast! 🙂 I heard someone asking if she serves lechon sauce and Dedet told him that she does not have any lechon sauce because it would be an insult to her 🙂  


Back to the table.  Dedet’s table normally fits 14 people but we were a little more than that that evening 


Eto Naiba – There is a palate cleanser after each lechon.  A Pinoy salad with mango, Chicco and longgan with a sampaloc brandy dressing


Dedet ringing her bell before every dish so she can get our attention and explain to us the next dish 🙂 


The next lechon was the GERMAN lechon 


Stuffed with herb, garlic, potato and pandan leaves!  YUMMY!!!  Dedet saw my plate and told me to go back to make sure I got the roasted garlic inside!  It made a world of difference so make sure not to forget the roasted garlic.  Sorry no photo of the garlic



Palate Cleanser Calamansi Sherbet 


Third Lechon – CHINESE LECHON which had Machang rice inside – cashew nuts, castañas and mushrooms.  YUMMY! 




And the last lechon

Dedet took me out to show me her pugon ovens where the pigs were cooked 


She has 4 pugon ovens!  These are all made by special order and takes about 3 months lead time to produce   


The last and my most favorite lechon was the FRENCH lechon with truffle rice.  YUMMY!!!


All the 4 lechons we had that evening!  WIPED OUT!!!  I think that a lot of the taste comes from the rice inside so I recommend that you eat the lechon together with the rice and do not eat any on its own or else you might say the rice is too salty or the lechon did not have much taste.  Have the complete experience by eating it together


Dedet said that at the end of the day, all the leftover from the dinners, she divides it among the staff at her place so they can take it home to their family


Cholestreol Sweeper – Champorado made with oats 


Dedet’s daughter, Darna, who prepared her special concoction called Darna’s Surprise 🙂  


Butterbeer from Harry Potter 🙂 I liked it! Darna will be selling this in her booth in the upcoming BEST FOOD FORWARD

Previous entry:  Calling for Participants to Join Now! Best Food Forward 2012 Feb 15, 2012  


Homemade Sorbetes – Guava ice cream  


Special Dessert which Dedet explained she dumps all her favorite sweets on this – it’s sticky rice with Choc Nut, pastillas, peanut brittle etc etc  


Dedet gives a comment card at the end of the meal to everyone, I wrote her a Thank you note 🙂 Thank you Dedet for discovering a great way to serve lechon! 


The Tatler pose is what they call this – a group photo after the dinner 🙂


If you have not tried Pepita’s lechon yet,  Give Dedet a call! 🙂pepitas-lechon-036.jpgpepitas-lechon-034.jpgpepitas-lechon-01.jpg


A Year of Discovery Celebration and Savings

By | Hearty Deals, Travel | No Comments

We attended a presentation last month by Crystal Cruises.  They are celebrating their 20th anniversary and they have plenty great packages this year! 15 years ago we took the Mediterranean Cruise on Crystal Symphony. One of the nice things about a cruise is you get to go to different cities without having to bring your luggage with you.  And being on the cruise is in itself an adventure.

 It’s in my bucket list to go on a cruise again hopefully one day…..


I took photos of the presentation on the screen, I hope you can read it


They have courses on board while you are traveling!


Cruises are actually more fun when you are with a big family or a big group of friends.

Activities for kids


Wow, there are themes 🙂


It’s actually fun to be on board, they have so many things to keep you busy till you get to your next destination


The food is all included and you can choose to eat in the main dining or in the restaurants on the ship


I don’t mind a small room, just make sure there is a window you can open to see outside or a balcony


Great deals this year on their 20th anniversary


Click below to go to their website for more information



Fifth grade assignment…really a good one

By | Today's Quote | One Comment

Fifth Grade Assignment

Wouldn’t this be great if it was taught in every school.

A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look

At TV commercials and see if they could use them in 20 ways To communicate ideas about God. 

Here are some of the results: scroll down.

God is like.


He works miracles.

God is like. 

AFORD  He’s got a better idea..

God is like. 

COKE He’s the real thing.

(This is great)

God is like. 

HALLMARK CARDS He cares enough to send His very best.

God is like. 

TIDE He gets the stains out others leave behind. ..

God is like. 

GENERAL ELECTRIC  He brings good things to life.

God is like.

WAL-MART  He has everything.

God is like. 

ALKA-SELTZER Try Him, you’ll like Him

God is like. 

SCOTCH TAPE You can’t see Him, but you know He’s there.

God is like.. 

DELTA He’s ready when you are.

God is like. 

ALLSTATE You’re in good hands with Him.

God is like. 

VO-5 Hair Spray;He holds through all kinds of weather


God is like.

Aren’t you glad you have Him? Don’t you wish everybody did?
(that one is my favorite)

God is like

TheU.S. POST OFFICE Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from His appointed destination. 

God is like.  Chevrolet. . . .the heart beat of America


God is like
Maxwell House. …. .
Good to the very last drop

God is like.

o u n t y . . . .
He is the quicker picker upper. . Can handle the tough jobs. ..
And He won’t fall apart on you

  God is like. 

The Energizer Bunny

He Keeps Going, Going, and Going



Aries Caces and Minette Padilla

By | Arts and Culture, Entertainment, Proud to be Pinoy! | 2 Comments

Thank you to my bestfriend, Eds, for organizing a beautiful night of music!  I love these things and she loves them too which is why we get along 🙂 We sometimes go to the CCP or go together for concerts,

Previous entry:  Encantada Gala Night August 27, 2011 

but this time, she brought the CCP to me! and to her other friends!! 🙂

I used to play the piano when I was a kid and I remember the numerous hours and days I had to practice for a piece so i could memorize it and play it the proper way.  It’s very hard and it takes a lot of patience and a lot of practice!  That’s why i really admire pianists 

Previous entry:  Carlos Ibay March 12, 2011 

To Aries and Minette, YOU MAKE US PROUD TO BE FILIPINO!  What an honor to witness your performance and a priveledge to watch you in a private home, I feel so lucky and blessed 🙂 

I took video clips of the performance that evening and put them together quickly so I could share it with everyone at Heart2Heart.  They are truly so talented and amazing!  Watch for yourselves 



Eds set up her house with the help of good friend, Anton Barreto 🙂


If you want to listen more to Aries playing the piano, visit his soundcloud page, click below



It was also the birthday of Eds’ sister in law, Camille ( notice her two kids who are very cultured too watching Minette and Aries perform )


Happy Birthday Camille!!


And we even had Cocktails to go with the show 🙂  I am telling you, this beats going to the CCP! 🙂  Thanks to my dear best friend for organizing this!




Trina Turk Arrives in Rustan’s

By | Fashion, What's New at Rustan's | One Comment


Trina Turk Bio

Born and raised in California, Turk was 11 years old when her mother first taught her to sew. She studied apparel design at the University of Washington and took her first job with the Seattle-based sportswear manufacturer, Britannia Jeans. Turk’s next stop was Los Angeles, where she waded into a sea of 30 prints per season designing surf wear for ocean pacific.


With her husband, then stylist, now photographer Jonathan Skow as partner, Trina Turk, the company, was born in 1995. In the same year, her clothing was sold by Barney’s New York, Fred Segal, and Saks Fifth Avenue. With that, Trina Turk’s wholesale sales topped $40 million in 2009.about-trina-turk.jpg

Inspired by the multicultural mix, architecture, and landscape of Los Angeles and California, the Trina Turk collection is full of the season’s most casually sophisticated-and “must have” silhouettes. Trina’s philosophy is to create wearable, optimistic sportswear. The collection has become known for n amazing pant fit and gorgeous signature prints. Swimwear was introduced in 2007 through a license with apparel ventures.


About the Brand

Trina Turk Handbags

Trina Turk expandable totes, smart satchels and chic crossbody purses carry all your essentials in commendable style. Over-the-shoulder totes and travel vanity kits stay typically sleek (and surprisingly functional).


Trina Turk Jewelry Collection

The inspiration for the Trina Turk Jewelry collection is Trina’s own collection of vintage jewelry, and the optimistic, California vibe that inspires everything we do. The concept is to create a fresh, new take on pieces you can no longer find, often incorporating MOVEMENT and COLOR. All materials used are of highest grade and quality. Trina Turk creates tomorrow’s collectibles by manufacturing jewelry that is made to last.








Trina Turk is exclusively available in Rustan’s Makati and Shangri-la Plaza.




Danny’s Birthday at Azuthai

By | Celebrations, Foodie | One Comment

Happy Birthday Danny!  The wives are happy to join the boys to celebrate with you 🙂  Wishing you many more years of love and success in everything!



Yummy dinner at Azuthai!  The two very hard working owners – Jay and Malu were there to watch over their restaurant which is why it always makes a big difference in quality and service

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Oh my gosh!!!!  THIS IS SUPER DUPER YUMMY!!!! For the lechon lovers out there -ORDER THIS!!!!


