Monthly Archives: January 2013

Colin Cowie Chic

By | H2H Favorite Things, Hot Off the Press, Household Tips | One Comment

On my birthday last year ( April ) I received a gift from one of my good friends, Alexie.  I was only able to remove the plastic cover from the book and started reading it 9 months after!  And it’s one of the best books a woman can have!!!!!!!  Of course my friend Alexie knows exactly what I like!

I am probably delayed and maybe many of you have it already, but if you don’t have one yet – I highly recommend this book to all women out there!!  It’s not just a book on HOW TO this and that – but it is a whole lifestyle – AS LIFE SHOULD BE according to Colin Cowie.  I am just starting to read the book and it’s so so interesting – I am sure you can get many tips here



Chiangmai Saturday Night Market

By | Travel | No Comments

The Saturday Market at Chiang Mai is world famous which is why this photo taken from the internet is really what it is!!  My sister told me to make sure to go here as recommended by Tita Tina.  I was surprised that Mom wanted to go 🙂  And true enough when we arrived here, they decided to turn back since the kids were also with us.  I wish I stayed and braved this.  It was tight but it was moving and you could still stop by the shops on the side.  The things here were very different from the markets in Bangkok and much much cheaper! Cheaper than Bangkok cheap! 


In the 5 minutes we were there, I was able to buy some things immediately!  And this was the only photo I took of a vendor – it looked like longganisa! 🙂 and it looked good


We left and the driver showed us the other end of the market and this was it – so much regrets for me – I wish I stayed




Elephant Camp and Rafting Chiang Mai

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | No Comments

We did one day tour in Chiang Mai, a bit tight but we did it all 🙂  Shopping in the morning plus a visit to the Cultural Center, then lunch then Elephant ride and rafting in the afternoon cultural-tours-in-chiang-mai-02.jpg

Heart2Heart loves loves elephants!! 🙂


How cute a baby elephant! 🙂  But even if it was a baby, we were still scared to go near it


They eat tons and tons of food in a day!


It’s like a ride in an amusement park, you have to fall in line, go up a ramp to the station and then ride on the elephant 🙂


You can feed the elephants 


We liked this ride a bit better compared to the one in India because it had a water passage

Previous entry:  Dera Amer December 5, 2012 


Although the one in India was probably much safer since it was more flat.  This one had a lot of uphills and downhills.  Another difference between the one in India was this was a full seat with a bar handle to hold, the one in India was a flat seat with legs stretching forward – a bit difficult but I realized later on that the flat one was safer since I was falling in this seat – a bit scary – I almost fell downward when the elephant stepped down.  Kids must hold on tight- there are no seat belts


Hi Papa and Javier!!  It’s amazing how the guide just sits on the head of the elephant without anything strapped on them.  We were holding on really tight to our seat!


In the middle of the trip, there is a food stand where you can buy food for the elephants and feed them 


What we saw 


Resting midway


One of the rules is not to let your guide go down and take your photo, well ours did on his own and as soon as he went down – the elephant put up his trunk and blew on us!  It was a bit scary and could get scary if the elephant gets out of control so maybe better not to allow itimg_5625-copy.jpegelephant-camp-025.jpgelephant-camp-026.jpgelephant-camp-027.jpg

Going back passing water again


You can’t ever get tired of feeding the elephants because they really eat a lot!


Right after we went to the rafts


A leisure ride through the river


It was funny because when we got to the end, we saw this truck that arrived carrying the rafts – we figured they will bring the rafts back up instead of the rafts going back up manually – which is why we did not see any raft going the opposite direction 🙂



Cultural Tours in Chiang Mai

By | Arts and Culture, Shopping, Travel | No Comments

Though you can really just stay in the resort and not go out of the place, there are still some places to go for sightseeing and discover Chiang Mai 🙂  The hotel has a desk where you can choose excursions around the city


Mom chose this for us and a visit to the City Arts and Cultural Center


Our tour guide


City Arts and Cultural Center where they had a museum showing the history of Chiang Mai


Then we went to the market!!  Again I have regrets because I was thinking we will see this in Bangkok, but apparently there are some things here that are not the same as in Bangkok 🙁


Chicharon 🙂


I thought dad bought birds to bring home!


But apparently you buy the birds then set them free for good luck!  My sister said – it’s just a scam! haha!!




More chicharon


Silver Store





Thai at the Four Seasons Chiang Mai

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

We had dinner here since we wanted to see the place 🙂


Yay! Kids Menu 🙂


Thai food in Chiang Mai is not the same Thai food we expected – It’s good but maybe we are just not used to the Thai food like what we get in Bangkok.  Nice presentation at the Four Seasons



Four Seasons Chiang Mai

By | Accomodations | No Comments

The Mandarin Oriental is near the city while the Four Seasons is by the mountains and a bit farther away.  If you want seclusion and more privacy- this is the place to be.


Love the flowers around the resort


Surrounded by rice paddies also

