This is a delayed birthday celebration supposedly for Lills and Jeanne for their birthdays in December, but it ended up being in January and so we celebrated the other January celebrants- Eds, Raul and Toots!
Thank you Lils for hosting dinner
Raclette!! yum!!
The weather was so nice, we ate outdoor
Lils prepared fondue for us!!! Ever since my cook left, we have not had fondue in a long time and so we were happy to be having fondue prepared by Lills
Lills bought the cookers so it’s more authentic
Lills also made all the sauces all on her own! the whole afternoon She said she won’t do it for us again! haha!!
Sate rice!! Eds and I love this
The boys! They love fondue too
Our view from where we were eating – peeking through the living room of Bulgin and Lills
Their bikes inside
and their newly taken family portrait by Rupert Jacinto! Beautiful!
Close up of my friend, Lills with her latest addition Luke
Happy Birthday Jeanne, Lills, Eds, Raul and Toots!!
The girls who kept taking photos of each other the whole night
And everyone COMPLETE!! plus Cristina Gaspar and Rachelle Wenger
Jeanne had giveaways for us, how sweet!