Dying to Be Me by Anita Moorjani

I recently attended this talk by Anita Moorjani and wow!  It was so timely after being so scared – having the endoscopy – imagining what if the results were not good.  There are times when I feel I am not ready to die and of course I get scared.  And God gave me answers to all my fears through this beautiful book and beautiful talk. Anita said that nobody leaves before their time.  When somebody dies, they don’t want you to feel guilt or sad for them, they want you to 

Previous entry:  Mapping Your Miracles by Anita Moorjani January 7, 2013  


I bumped into many friendly faces like Marivic Puyat Limcaoco and even met some readers of Heart2Heart like Tina Vitas who attended with her friend


 I was happy to see Ganga and Nameeta as well!


My fellow Assumptionistas


Joey was so lucky to get copies of the book!  They were already sold out!!


More friendly faces sitting inside 


Alvin introducing Anita


Anita Moorjani


I wish everyone could listen to Anita -or atleast go and buy the book!  It’s beautiful!  I will try to share what I can here from what I gathered from the workshop and I hope that all of you can get something out of this.  I took the slides and put some notes on the slides from what I got from Anita.  I am also inserting some quotes I got from facebook which I collect and set aside for inspiration- I inserted them as affirmations to what Anita told us and I hope I am not going to confuse anyone nor misinterpret what Anita’s messages are 


When Anita was under a coma – she went into this realm -a place where there was unconditional love.  In that state, you did not have to do or be anything to be loved, you were just loved.  Later on a question was raised and was asked – if thieves were sinning on earth and they will anyway be in that state of unconditional love and will be forgiven, then anyone can just do bad things on earth.  Anita answered this very well and she said that these people doing bad things on earth are already in pain now – they are already suffering here on earth because they are unhappy and they do not love themselves.  They are harming people because they are not   


I think that this workshop will also be good for kids because fear starts when we are kids- we should not grow up with fear


 Heaven is already here and now- Heaven is a STATE not a PLACE


We must Love ourself so we can love others.  We must realize that “I AM LOVE.  I don’t have to do anything to deserve it”- read the lines I wrote below on how to love yourself- I took notes while Anita was talking


When we get sick or we find out we have an illness, we tend to focus on the illness instead of focusing on getting well – on WELLNESS.  Anita says to replace it with JOY, with LIVING, with Health and Wellness!


Whenever we have to make decisions, we sometimes make them out of fear ( DOING ).  Anita says to make those decisions with LOVE or OUT OF LOVE ( BEING ).  We have to BE LOVE!



We received this envelope when we left the room


I highly recommend reading the book, it is out of stock now here in the country and I will announce when it is available again in Fully Booked.  



One Comment

  • bing limson salvador says:

    i always had the fear of disappointing others.

    one of the messages says – Be Happy. Be Yourself. if others don’t like it,
    then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing

    the message readily answers my constant fear. thank you so much heart-2-heart. ….

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