Locanda Positano San Carlos

Jorge and Maita are the parents of one of Jaime’s good friends, Bettina.  It’s nice to finally meet them and get to know them. It was our turn to treat so the next evening we asked them to choose a place since they are more familiar with the area and they took us to Positano.  They were feeling bad I did not enjoy the Ramen, they did not realize I enjoyed more than them with my skewers haha 🙂  Kidding guys 🙂

Previous entry:  Ramen Parlor San Mateo March 11, 2013


San Daniele Prosciutto Crepe


Sauteed clams guazzetto


Pizza con uovo which Jorge ordered and which I loved!!  At first I thought I would not like egg on my pizza, but when I tried it – wow! Love the combination of the mushrooms, pancetta and egg with the cheese- YUM!


This was James’ order which he enjoyed on his own! haha!! 🙂 Italian Sausage pizza


Bucatini pasta with boar ragu – interesting dish ordered y Jorge – who by the way loves to cook and I assume loves to eat too 🙂  


 We shared a tiramisu 🙂 Yum!


click below to go to their website



One Comment

  • bing limson salvador says:

    that was quite a treat! the food looks really delicious ~
    thanks a lot for sharing heart-2-heart! 🙂

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