One day we found a kitten in our front porch – we really have a lot of cats in the house

previous entry: Cats in The House August 25, 2012 

We were worried it would be ran over by the car so we put it in the small garden patch in front.  When we got back from dinner, I saw again the kitten and it followed us up our stairs.  I immediately asked for milk to give the kitten and true enough it was hungry. ( I am calling it ” It” because I do not know the sex of the kitten) 


It was so small it could not really reach the cup so the guard tilted it – I told the guard to put it beside him in the garage and to feed the kitten 


For a few days, the kitten would play with Romeo our dog and follow the guard around the house, then one day – the kitten just left – just like Richard Parker from Life of Pi 🙂  I remembered our kitten who we took care of and one day just left 



One Comment

  • bing limson salvador says:

    am a cat lover 🙂 i have 15 cats and 6 new kittens! they say that ~
    if u are an animal lover u must be a kind and a caring person 🙂
    am trying to be one …. thanks heart 2 heart – i love “your cat” 🙂

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