Monthly Archives: April 2013

Dinner in Honor of Howard Schultz

By | Foodie, What's New at Starbucks? | 4 Comments

To end the day, a dinner was hosted by Lolo Benny in honor of Howard Schultz.  It was just family and the Starbucks Managers.  After dinner was a beautiful presentation by El Gamma Penumbra – the only Shadow Dancing company in the Philippines! What an amazing performance – Heart2Heart is proud to be PINOY! A MUST SEE VIDEO!!!  They had another performance which was Gangnam – though I preferred this first one 



First time to have a filipino dinner prepared by Kai and it was very well done!! Thank you Chef Gilbert Pangilinan! I lost some photos so this is a mixture of photos from my cousins, Catherine and Marie and from Tita Tess.  Missing photo of the soup and the cornish hen adobo   






Starbucks Philippines In the Community

By | Giving Back, What's New at Starbucks? | One Comment

Fifteen years of Starbucks in the Philippines and fifteen years of giving back and giving back to the community.  Take time out to watch all the videos.  Thank you Starbucks for touching everyone’s lives

“Since 1998, we’ve made accessible early childhood education, scholarships through sport and art for development programs, social and agriculture-based entrepreneurship programs, coffee quality training and environment education classes to thousands of children in public schools, children out of school and aging Filipino coffee farmers.

While we’ve grown in number of stores, we’ve also grown in the number of non profit organizations we support – expanding not just the scope of our social responsibility but extending in depth and scale our compassion for the members of our community who work tirelessly against the incidence of poverty.

Few are as grateful to see us endure beyond 15 years as the men, women and many many Filipino children who receive our generosity as we share our success as a business with them.

They would like to thank us now by showing us how we’ve helped them lead lives of dignity and opportunity.”

Zarah Perez-Global Responsibility Manager  Starbucks Philippines

Performance by The Paco Market Youth Ensemble, Malibay Choir and Casa San Miguel from Zambales and Tondo


Starbucks in the Community: Philippines from GlobalResponsibility Philippines on Vimeo.Starbucks Partners and their Community: Philippines from GlobalResponsibility Philippines on Vimeo.[email_link]

Celebrating Starbucks 200 stores and 15 Years in the Philippines with Howard Schultz

By | Celebrations, What's New at Starbucks? | 9 Comments

We have all been looking forward to this day – for Howard Schultz to come and visit our country.  To all of us, Howard symbolizes not only Starbucks, the great coffee company, but LOVE and HUMANITY which he explains so well in his speech during the opening of the 200th store.  I could listen to this over and over again and get inspired.   I am merely the daughter of Jun and Menchu yet the overflowing love within the Starbucks organization is reaching me and reaching everyone that steps in a Starbucks store.  This is only a 4 minute speech but it is very beautiful and has a very meaningful message from Howard!  These kinds of words can only come from the heart   



Starbucks Philippines gave Howard a special gift

Mark Justiniani’s interpretation of Kape Vinta – Starbucks Philippine Blend





Asian Dolce Latte

By | What's New at Starbucks? | One Comment

Starbucks Coffee Asia Pacific newly launches the Starbucks® Asian Dolce Latte, the new smooth and velvety textured latte with an Asian twist. Inspired by how coffee is drank in many parts of Asia, the Starbucks® Asian Dolce Latte appeals to the local palate of those who like their coffee strong, with a smooth texture. Double-shots of the premium, dark-roasted Starbucks®  Espresso Roast, combine with the uniquely developed dolce sauce to indulge in a coffee experience like never before. This new blend is sure to capture the senses of Asian coffee drinkers giving them a delicious local flavor every time they sip it.

