A National Geographic Moment at Amanpulo

I am always looking for a National Geographic Moment since it’s quite rare to capture one. The last one was in 2008 in Bohol 

Previous entry:  A National Geographic Moment January 6, 2008 

While walking the perimeter of the island, I could see from afar little things crawling on the edge of the beach.  It’s a good thing I had zoom lens to see what they were – because they were quite sensitive, as we move closer to them- they move too.  This is dedicated again to my Dad and it’s his birthday today!  I am sure my Daddy would like to see these moments too after all it’s where I get my love for animals and nature


Crabs!  Not the small transluscent ones but quite big.  They don’t look too big in my photo because I could not go to near or else they will disappear or move away. I was very careful 



Zooming in some more 


They are moving away as we go closer – some went up towards the greens


here they are going higher up opposite the water 


the small ones are also there  


The others hid already which explains the big holes 


As we go towards the tip of the island they are moving away further 


Around the island there are also some avian species.  The resort gives you postcards which you can collect  


I spotted a few around the resort but cannot identify 


on top of Casita A 


in the beach 



  • Len says:

    Love these series of posts of Amanpulo. It’s like a stress reliever. I am hoping to get to this island someday but i need to conquer my fear of small planes first.

  • Des says:

    For this and the previous entry.
    Serenity, beauty, togetherness, peace, appreciation, gratitude and tribute…in pictures and brief comments.
    Really nice.
    Keep it up Rica.

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