Grand Cafe at the Monaco Hotel

By July 14, 2013 Foodie, Travel No Comments

One last stop to the city and we visited Union Squareunion-square-sf.JPGimg_1798.JPG

I made sure the SF lovers 🙂  had a photo by the San Francisco Hearts




Mom wanted to take us to a French restaurant in the area but forgot the name so we walked around trying to look for it nearby!  We could not find it.  Finally we entered a hotel to ask the concierge and he gave two places – we went to the nearby one since we were already very hungry 🙂  Around 3 blocks down was the Monaco hotel

We went to their coffeeshop

The food was very good!! We had soup and sandwiches.  If you are in the area and want a good snack, this is a good place to go 🙂 

Onion Soup

Soup of the Day


Chicken Sandwich

Half a Croque Monsieur

Grand Burger

Creme Catalan

Paris Brest


Click below to go to their website



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