Camera Shy Peekaboo I Love You

By July 16, 2013 Beauty No Comments

Heart2Heart is guilty about being camera shy!  Though I love taking photos of people!  Thanks to Dove for always giving all women out there the confidence to be beautiful inside and out!

Dove has always been committed to creating a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. As you will see in this short film, these adult women all hid from the camera when they were faced with it. A lot of us are probably guilty of doing the same thing too! Yet, as little girls, we did not even think twice about facing the camera and showing off our real, beautiful selves.

We’re inviting women to reflect on the point in their lives when they became their own worst beauty critics and encouraging them to be their own beautiful selves.

Join the conversation at #MyBeautifulSelf

Tell us what you think at

And don’t forget to be your own beautiful self!




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