Japan Town San Francisco

By July 28, 2013 Foodie, Travel No Comments

This entry got left behind in the San Francisco series.  But this is an important part of our trip especially if Dad and Mom are with us.  They are always nostalgic when we are in SF and they like to visit all their old spots 🙂  We used to live across Japan town and so this became our hang out too as kids.  It’s still the same from long ago with some few stores that have changed.  It’s looking a bit old but it is clean and has many choices of Asian restaurants and quaint boutiques selling Japanese and other Asia items

It’s quite a big complex

We head down to restaurant row to have our lunch

Lunch at this place where Dad and Mom used to always eat in.  We are reminiscing 🙂

After lunch a little window shopping

Funny 🙂

All scents!

Dad shopping for his incense

 And my favorite is now here! 🙂


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