Bienvenida and Despedida for Quentin and Vanessa

By September 10, 2013 Celebrations, Foodie No Comments

We were so happy to see Quentin and Vanessa even for just a few hours!!!  It was a bienvenida and a despedida all in one since they were in the country for just a short time!   

Thank you Peds and Leslie for hosting and inviting us over to your beautiful home!  And now I have a new found friend, Pedsy who is so adorable!!dsc_6376.jpgdsc_6360.jpg

Quentin and Vanessa!!

 Enzo and Franco!!  Both so adorable! Pedsy shy and hiding from the camera 🙂

So happy to be with these pretty ladies! Mish, Vanessa and Lindy

Peds getting wine from his stash 🙂

Pepitas French truffle rice lechon! YUMMY!!

Dr. Quentin is an expert in cutting the lechon!

Lengua from El Cirkulo

Lasagna from Madeleine Boutique Caterer. Super Yum!

Mango cake 

And super yummy Mango Torte from Dulcelin!  A favorite of Vanessa! Me too! 🙂

Cute this little Enzo!!!

Enzo dancing Gangnam which I wish I caught on video 

Franco tired 🙂


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