Monthly Archives: September 2013
We were so blessed to have these two Chefs cook for us! Andre and Henning all the way from Europe! 🙂 Mom let them go to Rustan’s to buy all the ingredients and they came over to cook for us! Thank you Henning and Andre!
They cooked and sat down and ate with us too 🙂
Ricotta Mascarpone and Pear Bruschetta
Tom Kah With Shrimps
Cod with Mango Tomato Salsa
Mushroom Risotto with Tenderloin
Fruit Flambé
I stopped by San Antonio Plaza Arcade and went inside Pimbrera ng Barasoain to take a look at what they had
Ina Calalang Ayala owns this place and she told us that it was Filipino food to go
But there are a few tables where you can sit and eat there too. This is the outside seating
Just open the chiller and shop like in the grocery! I love it 🙂
You can order Cochinillo and Paella!
This is good for me because we have no cook and it’s so easy to just buy here and just heat when you get home
Remember the Chori Burger I had on Max’s birthday?
Previous entry: Birthday Sunday Lunch for Max June 23, 2013
I asked Tina where she got them and here it is!! 🙂 It’s only P 275 for a pack of 5 or 6 patties. Give Poch Camahort a call at 0917-540-9980. He has many more items
Congratulations Mikka and Vanessa on the launch of your new venture!! Mikka handles the fashion items and Vanessa handles the beauty items. Read on below as Mikka talks about how she started this business
I met Vanessa in the opening of Stella by Tala. (Stella is also being sold on the site and are being worn by the daughters of Vanessa and Mikka )
Previous entry: Stella by Tala April 23, 2013
Vanessa told me that she is happy to have a means of income and at the same time be able to work at home without sacrificing her motherhood duties. After all this is the same reason Mikka started this online business. Vanessa is so energetic, so full of excitement and is so passionate about what she is doing. I know she will be successful because she is very efficient, very hard working, so quick and works so fast! I love working with her!
Read on below as Mikka talks about her partner 🙂
I was so happy that Vanessa included my new products from France. They were launched two weeks ago and have been selling out so well! We had to replensih immediately as soon as they launched online
Click below to go to their website and order them and many more products carefully chosen by Vanessa and Mikka
Hi Friends and Family –
Come and visit the Manila International book Fair.
It opens tom . ( Wed) Sept 11 till 15 ( Sun) – 10am to 8pm at the SMX convention center.
Here are your invitations – please print out . Would appreciate spreading the word !
-Nanette Reyes
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