The Foodie son was bringing me all these food stuff home! which were all yummy!!! And because we were not able to go to all the recommended places, I am posting here the list of three people who I asked while we were in New York – Foodie son Jaime, Foodie Lawyer and Bachelor Jerome Castillo, and Foodie cousin, MJ They say it will be impossible to eat in all the restaurants in Manhattan even if you ate out every meal for 365 days! That is why I always try not to repeat because there are many out there! From the Foodie son, Jaime From our Foodie friend, Jerome. Look how OC and organized he is, he even categorized it! Thank you Jerome!!! From my cousin, MJ, who used to live in New York and now just goes back to visit. He shared with me his Levain bakery loot! [email_link]