London Sights

By October 5, 2013 Travel 3 Comments

More sights around London

Britain at War

Pubs all over the place – I like the ones with flowers 🙂

Big Ben

We should have this 🙂

Bvlgari Hotel

One Hyde Park – one of London’s most expensive flats

Beautiful flower shop 🙂

Harrod’s during the day

at night 🙂 I always passed it but had no time to enter! You really take for granted the things that are right in front of you! 🙂  We lived a block away but ended up spending time in East London which is opposite this side of town!

Love the colourful facades of the stores

Colored bikes outside Jamie Oliver

Dado, our driver, told us that Michael Jackson used to stay in this hotel

Passing by

Horses taller than the van we were riding

Buckingham Palacedsc_0905.jpg

London Eye

Fortnum and Mason, the grocery store of the Queen, where the shopping carts are gold! 🙂

Picadilly Square

Trafalgar Square



  • Jovita De Guzman says:

    You’re so right about East London – it has been gentrified so much that it has somewhat lost it’s “working class” charm. Even Ladbroke Grove around Notting Hill, once an ethnic enclave of Afro-Caribbean immigrants have now been “affluent-ised”. The only thing that doesn’t seem to change is the weather – ‘cheery’ as ever 😉

  • Pearl Cabali says:

    Hi Heart2Heart. I have been following your blog for years now and I really love your posts especially about food and travel. Your recent entry on your travel to London is such a perfect timing since my family and I are going there on 2nd week of November. We are planning to hire a private driver to tour us around London and I have read on this entry that you have a driver named Dado. Is he Filipino? If it is possible to ask for his contact details to make arrangement for our group. Thank you so much for your help.

  • Heart2Heart says:

    Hi pearl thank you so much!! Best to email my friend Suharto and he can help you

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