
The Philippines has the highest breast cancer incidence in Southeast Asia, it’s the ninth highest in the world.  Breast cancer has overtaken lung cancer as the # 1 cancer-related cause of death in the country.  That’s why their advocacy really stresses EARLY DETECTION CAN SAVE LIVES


ICanServe has a pledge wall at Power Plant Mall ( in front of Rustans Fresh ).  People are invited to write messages of support and hope.  “Let’s pay tribute to the loved ones we lost, to the survivors, and to those who still continue to fight.  Share your message of support here”


And they have a booth selling merchandise.  Heart2Heart hopes you can support them


One of the products being sold there will be the Envirosax specially designed for Pink Positive!  


You can visit the booth over the weekend or email Libet Virata at ecvirata@gmail.com or call the ICanServe office at landline 636-5578  for your orders
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