Kitchen’s Best Anniversary Dessert Buffet

Last Friday I visited Kitchen’s Best for their Anniversary Dessert Buffet  


I misunderstood what was happening and thought that day was only by invitation for the media and thought that the promotion was every weekend for November till December.  It was apparently only for two days!!!  So now that it is finished, I was not able to inform everyone about it 🙁  I am so so sorry Roselyn, Marlyn and Berna!  My plan was to post it today in preparation for this coming Friday and Saturday.  It’s a pity because Marlyn told me that this may be the last already since Roselyn, the Chef, is pregnant 🙂  Which is actually good news!!!  Though they might do it for Valentine’s next year!!  Something to look forward to for all the dessert lovers!!  



 Happy Anniversary to the sister team!!!  This is the second time they did this Dessert buffet and the first one was held during their anniversary last year


For P 380.00 you could get as many desserts as you can!!!

Since there were many desserts, I focused on those that I have not tried yet and those that were new.  Though I could not possibly even do all that because there is such a wide choice of desserts!! There are even things in this buffet that Roselyn normally does not make for the patisserie but only for this buffet 

In this batch, the Snicker’s Cheesecake caught my attention and the salted caramels

I loved the carrot cupcakes!!! And I tried the Speculous Cheesecake which is new

No brainer for me is the white chocolate truffle!! I am so happy Roselyn can make these!!

The first Speculous Sansrival! 

 And though the coffee toffee sansrival is not new, it was new to me and I loved it! Heart2Heart loves sansrival!!



One Comment

  • adora limson salvador says:

    macadamia brittle cheesecake! dessert galore – yummy! thanks for sharing heart-2-heart 🙂

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