Take time out to watch the video. I am so happy that Marla Dizon shared this with me! Heart2Heart is so happy that there exists such a foundation, the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc ( RAFO ) and provides a different need – SHELTER KITS!
Marla’s Dad, Tito Paquito Dizon and Vita Sarenas of Finale Gallery will be raising money through an auction which will be held today! All proceeds will go to RAFI to buy more shelter kits
100% of the proceeds from the auction will go to the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation
to purchase shelter kits. Shelter has had to take a backseat to food and medicine but is integral to the recovery process. The NYTimes came out with an article last week about the increas in pneumonia as a direct result of the lack of shelter. I am so glad there are so many people helping and covering as many areas as possible to ensure the safety and well being of our fellowmen!
So glad they cover 3 steps which has a longer term response
The shelter kids will be distributed through the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc
Each costs P 3,500.00