Monthly Archives: November 2013

nawwTy’s Kitchen

By | Christmas, Foodie | 2 Comments

I love instagram because I am in touch and up to date on what my friends are up to even if I do not see them often!  Featuring here one of my “nawwty” 🙂  friends, Trish, who I follow in instagram.  My gosh, she has 54,000 followers!


How can someone so sexy and skinny post yummy food photos like this???  She has other nice photos but was surprised to see food photos of actual dishes that she makes herself!!!  


Finally due to insistent public demand 🙂  she now has a food business!!!



Aside from her new food business, she still has her stationary business



Click below to go to her website



Ho Ho Holiday Packages from Kalikhasan

By | Christmas, Green, Proud to be Pinoy! | No Comments

Heart2Heart is happy to meet another young entrepreneur, Malou de Joya, who makes eco friendly products!  Malou told me that she started by supplying hotels and resorts with soaps and other toiletries for their resorts.  Now, she has her own line which I love because it is very Filipino!  


I got to try most of the products and I also received a gift from my friend Michele – the Itch Away holiday pack which is so useful!


Photodermatology in the Tropics by VSRC

By | Health and Fitness, Medical, Workshops | One Comment

I went to this last November 3 🙂 I have so many moles so I wanted to take advantage of the mole mapping and skin cancer screening being offered by the Skin & Cancer Foundation Inc and VSRC 


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They set up cubicles in the Turf room 🙂  I am happy to report that all my moles are okay for now.  No harm in checking and making sure photodermatology-in-the-tropics-by-vsrc-6.jpeg

After my session, I asked to see Dra. Verallo since I wanted to meet her and take her photo 🙂  I hear so much about her but I have never met her so I made sure I greeted her and thanked her for the session I had.  According to Laura, her daughter, Dra. Verallo is a super woman doing so many things!  Heart2Heart loves super women who loves working and women who loves doing things for others!  So, I am glad to be featuring this woman who has contributed and still contributes to the dermatological industry! Click here cv-vmvr-2007.doc to view Dra Verallo’s CV


Here is some literature which they gave out about moles and skin cancer


They even had giveaways for those who went for the screening photodermatology-in-the-tropics-by-vsrc-4.jpeg

Thank you Dra. Verallo and the Skin & Cancer Foundation Inc. photodermatology-in-the-tropics-by-vsrc-7.jpegskin-cancer-foundation-dra-verallio-rowell.jpg

Click below to go to the website of VSRC



New Romantics by Paul Syjuco and Kristine Dee

By | Shopping | No Comments

Heart2Heart is so happy to know that there are many new jewellery designers out there with so much talent.  Congratulations Paul Syjuco and Kristin Dee on your recent collection!  Heart2Heart loves the theme, New Romantics!  They have this show every year which is outside of their respective stores


Daphne, the wife of Paul, helping out 


Pretty sisters of Kristine helping out

