Monthly Archives: November 2013
Of course we asked Jose to take us to the fresh market of San Sebastian
Wow! Everything in this stall was bacalao!
A bar where you can have pintxos
Plenty fresh seafood
Tita Ina got so excited to see this!!! Cuchinllos!!!!
Cheese from the region! YUM! It reminded me of parmesan
In Europe you see almost all the ladies in the supermarket with these shopping carts which they use to transport their groceries since many just walk or commute
Smart Infinity unveils exclusive offers starting today!!! Listen to Smart Infinity Head, Julie Carceller as she explains the plans!
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San Sebastian is a very small and quaint town. When we arrived, Jose took us for a quick tour before dinner. We drove a few miles from the hotel and took this elevator to take us up
To this view!
And from this view you can see the border of France!! San Sebastian is very near France already so it would have been nice to do a France and Spain tour But anyway, for future it would be good to have both in the itinerary
There was an old parador which was turned into a hotel
And going further inside is this!! It was so nice!!! So peaceful and so beautiful. These are little homes
A small plaza
And this is what I like about Europe – their old buildings with so much character
Love the small narrow streets
More homes
The next day we toured the city again and wow!
Some guys catching something by the shore
Sculpture by the mountains and water!
We took a tram to the highest point in San Sebastian
How beautiful is that? A view of the city of San Sebastian
Maago Ang pasko is the country’s longest running toy and book collection drive. The nationwide drive has collected already over 2 million toys. Maaga ang Pasko has been committed to spreading smiles and Christmas cheer for thousands of children with gifts of books and toys from kind hearted indviduals and families alike. The campaign has grown to be a traditon that Jolly Family Toy Scouts from all over the country look forward to each year. You cannot imagine what one toy can do to a child and how valuable it is for them especially during Christmas
Christmas comes early at Jollibee! Ang aga! This was my first gift under my Christmas tree this year!
Heart2Heart is like Jollibee!! I prepared all my christmas gifts last month, October, and released them starting November 1.
I am sure this year will be more meaningful especially with the recent devastations in the country. What makes the campaign different this year is the launch of the Maaga ang Pasko microsite. Starting November 11, families whether here or abroad can donate a toy and book online through the Maaga and Pasko microsite with the help of campaign partners. You can now reach out to Global Filipino communities in the USA, Middle East, Hong Kong and Singapore via Maaga ang Pasko donation boxes that will be placed in Jollibee branches in these markets. Click below to go to the website
From Russia, we flew to Spain for our Gastronomic Tour! We landed in Bilbao and took the bus to San Sebastian and checked in our hotel. We loved our hotel
In Europe most beds are like this, single beds, which we are not so happy about, so we just stick them together
It’s not a 5 Star Hotel but we like the location and we love the view from our room!!! I took a video which cannot really compare to being there and actually seeing God’s creation in front of you – nothing can compare to this blessing. So blessed to be able to come to this beautiful place
The suites have a balcony aside from the view
Click below to go to their website
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