We had a purple birthday for Mom’s special day! Thank you to my brother, Noey and Krie for hosting and having it in your beautiful home
Krie provided purple scarves for those that did not come in purple! We forgot to tell Mom to come in purple!
Krie put King and Queen chairs for Dad and Mom! LOVE IT!
Krie also did the centerpiece which she put together – purple lanterns, eggplant, purple balls, purple kisses, purple potato chips and purple flowers handmade by her household staff. How creative!
Gourmet Garage catered with Chef Booj! We told him that Mom likes degustation so he prepared a special one!
In between, Krie had games We had to answer questions related to Mom and whoever got the most answers correct wins!
The kids had their table too and their own kiddie food
Thank you so much Rica for sharing ..Belated happy birthday Ma’ am Menchu. Or Inday Menchu …this is awesome …beautifully done …a blessed family indeed ..
Happy Birthday to a wonderful Boss Lady that you are, Mrs. Lopez !
May you continue to be the guiding source of inspiration of your kids and all the employees who look up to you all through these years!
May the Almighty God bless you with joy, happiness , peace throughout your years and most especially this Christmas season!
[…] Previous entry: Purple Birthday December 17, 2013 […]