Monthly Archives: February 2014

Don’t Forget the Soap

By | Hot Off the Press, Proud to be Pinoy! | No Comments

Congratulations Marie Claire Moore!  Thank you Tina Vitas for inviting me to the book launch!  A book for Filipinas living abroad and for any woman who wants to learn some tips on how to juggle motherhood with career and yet be successful 🙂  I am sure many of us can benefit from reading this book  

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How Come No One Ever Told Me??

By | Today's Quote | 2 Comments

 How come no one ever told me??

You’ve probably been ignoring this feature.

Most aluminum foil boxes have press -in tabs that secure the roll in place, so you don’t have to worry about flying out every time you rip off a sheet.

You’ve been dispensing Tic Tacs the hard way.

You know how when you violently shake a container of Tic Tacs into your palm it seems as though you always end up with zero or seven? Avoid that altogether by letting a mint gently glide into the tiny lid crevice.

You haven’t been using ketchup cups to their full potential.
Instead of grabbing a multiple cups of ketchup, simply pull apart at the edges for twice the space.

Chinese takeout containers are actually made to fold out into plates.

The containers actually are meant to unfold into a makeshift plate, which you can easily reassemble into a box for storing leftovers.

Greek yogurt containers are meant to be folded in half.

Chances are you’ve been scooping the toppings with your spoon onto the yogurt.

But, have you realized, the topping holder folds over, so you can pour the toppings DIRECTLY ON TOP?

You’ve probably been placing toilet seat covers in the  wrong direction.

The flap is meant to be placed toward the front. This prevents the agony of sitting down on a toilet seat, only to realize you’ve dragged the cover down into the bowl.

Soda tabs double as straw holders.

Turn the tab around so that it acts as holder that can stop the straw from raising out of the can as the soda fizzes.

You probably don’t realize it, but your pots come with built-in spoon rest.

Softdrink lids can double as coasters.

Pasig River

By | Real Estate | One Comment

We were passing by the Pasig river one day and James and I were talking and saying what a pity it is that our Pasig River and the Guadalupe Bridge looks like this


When you go to other countries, this is prime real estate!  If you have property by the river, it will be very expensive land.  The bridges are usually so beautiful and are historic sights.  


How I wish this place could be transformed 



Cheesy Cheesesticks

By | Cheese, Recipes | One Comment

Cheesesticks is a household favorite ever since we were kids.  We would serve it to friends when they would come over simple because it is easy and fast to make!  We also all love it in the family.  So through time, I have managed to experiment and make different kinds.  I will share one of the ways which I hope you will like too 🙂 It’s the cheesier version of a cheesestick 🙂  

