Celebrating 6 Birthdays at Masseto

It’s always a special celebration when in Masseto


We had Bar M all to ourselves 🙂

Caviar upon request – just give advance notice to Chef Tippi

 We can’t get enough of these truffle potato crisps – from kids to grandparents 🙂  We love Bar chow

 I also ordered in advance my huevos rotos – yummy 🙂

Discovered this yummy dish that I like 🙂  It was already half eaten so it looks like this but it’s so good

All April birthday celebrants – 6 of us 🙂

 The joint birthday cake which looks like it’s really for me haha!! 🙂 kidding

 The traditional photo of Chef Tippi -you will see that every time, she’s looking younger and blooming every single time 🙂


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