This map shows the world divided into 7 sections (each with a distinct color) with each section containing 1 billion people.
This map shows (in white) where 98 percent of Australia’s population lives.
It may not come as a surprise but more people live inside the circle than outside of it.
This map shows what is on the other side of the world from where you are standing. For the most part of it will probably be water.
Apparently you can’t get Big Macs everywhere. This map shows (in red) the countries that have McDonalds.
This map shows the countries (in blue) where people drive on the left side of the road.
This map shows countries (in white) that England has never invaded. There are only 22 of them.
The line in this map shows all the internet connections in 1969.
This map shows the countries that heavily restricted Internet access in 2013.
This map shows (in red) the countries that were all communist at one point in time.
This map shows (in red) the countries that don’t use the metric system.
This map shows (in blue) places where Google street view is available.
This map shows (in green) all the landlocked countries of the world.
And this is what the world would look like if all the countries with coast line sank.
This is the map of the all rivers in the United States.
And these are all the rivers that feed into the Mississippi River.
This is a map of the highest paid public employees in the United States.
This map shows how much space the United States would occupy on the moon.
This map shows the longest straight line you can sail. It goes from Pakistan all the way to Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia for a total of 20,000 miles.
This is a map of 19th century shipping lanes that outlines the continents.
This map shows (in navy blue) every country that has ever operated an aircraft carrier.
This map highlights the countries (in red and orange) with the most skyscrapers.
This map shows (in red, orange, and yellow) the world’s largest donors of foreign aid and with red being the biggest donor.
This map shows the most photographed places in the world.
And this map shows all the places where you can get eaten by a Great White shark!
Source: Forwarded email
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