Beauty everywhere!!! There’s just so many beautiful things to see!
Spotted a rainbow by the Opera House while walking by the Rocks
Love old architecture – Queen Victoria Building ( QVB )
Looking up the dome of the QVB
Sign outside the Parlour Burger
GOOD ONE!!!! Everyone should provide this!!!
Filipino restaurant near Golden Century in Chinatown
Love love the Strand
Aesop! This really caught my attention!
Love this juice bar, Top Juice, in the food court area of the Westfield Mall
Walking back to the hotel, I look to the right in this street and from afar I could see this so we went inside to look at it! BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE!! The area is called Angel’s place
There are a few bars and restaurants
Cute window of this Patisserie which shows you the kitchen where they bake the pastries
Colorful stairs leading to a Restaurant and bar still at Angel’s place
I got so excited!!! I thought it was Target USA apparently it is their version – a very good copy – the format and the categories and items are very similar
Now I am wondering if this is a copy of Forever 21
My friend, Anto, and her family! Same flight going to Syndey then bumped into her in Target
CUTIE!! Prince George was in Sydney at the same time as us! I was hoping to bump into him
Zoomed photo of Luna park from Circular Quay
Spotted fashionable senior guy int he lobby of the Four seasons, I am not discriminating senior people I just think he is so cool for his age
and take note of the gigantic lamp
Be careful when putting comfortable sofas in the mall Westfield Mall Sydney
Rainbow loom
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