13 Surprising Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Thanks to my sister in law, Pam, for sending me this article.  I am trying these more natural remedies for my acid reflux rather than taking medicines that will only temporarily give relief. Of course # 1 is the hardest 🙂  


For my #4, I am taking Aloe Cure everyday.  Just like anything everyone reacts differently to depending on your body system.  For me, it helps a lot at night and is somehow making me sleep better.  This was introduced to me a few years ago by Tita Bettina

Previous entry: Alternative to Treating Acid Reflux Feb 2, 2012    


Bingbing Quiros, the distributor of Aloe Cure together


with Tita Bettina Osmena.  Read more here on the attest article published in the Philippine Star



One Comment

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