Patisseries in London

By June 19, 2014 Foodie, Travel No Comments

There’s window shopping and there’s window eating!:-)  My friend Leah and I invented that term.  It’s impossible to eat everything you see and  maybe it’s not as fun to window eat than to actually eat but in the long run, it could do much more for you 🙂  Anyway Window anything is so much fun!  I do a lot of it.  

While walking, Ria and I saw this Patisserie which called my attention immediately because it was PINK! 🙂  It’s from France and is new around the block.  La Patisserie Des Reves   

I love the display!!!

Ria was eyeing the Saint Honore 🙂

I saw a lot of this around London!  Though it sounds French it actually originated in London by a French lady 🙂  They are known for their custom cakes



 Click below to go to their website




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