Window Seat or Aisle Seat?

I really always prefer the window seat 🙂  but for another reason.  But hoping to always try to catch nice photos from the window – these are beautiful!  You just have to be there at the right time and at the right moment and then spot it 

27-reasons-window-seat-1.jpg 27-reasons-window-seat-2.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-3.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-4.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-5.jpg7-reasons-window-seat-6.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-7.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-8.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-9.jpg27-reasons-window-seat-10.jpgvirgin-atlantic-glass-bottomed-plane.jpg



One Comment

  • Mon Yadao says:

    I’m sure you already know, but for the others who don’t, Pic #26 is of our very own Metro Manila! Cheers! 🙂

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