Driving to the Countryside

Aside from the millions of things you can do in the city of London, there is so much more to explore outside the city!!!!  Castles, towns, and all of them beautiful!!  I really need to live here or come more often! 🙂  

Just driving and looking at the views is already a natural high for Heart2Heart.  Again everywhere you pass is always so clean, organized and always in place.  I took these photos while the car was moving so it might not be too clear.

Rapeseed fields which they use to make rapeseed oil    

As we arrived in the Cotswolds area, the roads became very narrow.  Quite scary if another car was coming from the other side.  But how beautiful the sides of the road!!!!


It changes as you go along

We stopped first at Burford an old town

It’s always more fun with good friends 🙂

This was my favorite!!  

Homes made of limestone

Cole Haan 🙂  


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