Monthly Archives: July 2014

9th Day Dinner for Uncle Nato

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We are always so happy to see the beautiful cousins of James from Cebu!!  Amparo and Margie!  They are always so kind and hospitable!  Amparo who is now based in LA came over as soon as she heard the news and stayed the whole 9 days and a few days more.  So happy to see her!!!  Wish we could spend more time with the cousins.  We love Allan and Margie so we really made sure we came over as soon as we arrived from our trip

 Ronald and Amber came also all the way from LA 

Love the kids as well!!  

Margie and Allan!! Margie is James’ first cousin and the daughter of Uncle Nato.  Allan is her husband who is so so nice!! WE LOVE YOU BOTH! 🙂

Aunty Marivic with full support from her sisters, Tita Tata Estrella and Tita Bebing Harrison.  Not in the photo is a sister living in Italy,  Tita Dolores Presot. 

Congresswoman Rachel/QT del Mar with her Dad, Congressman Raul del Mar and Mom, Tita Melanie

 Jojo and Aunty Cora

 Jun Jun and his sons, Ramon and Raphael and cousin Jojo

Dinner was at Rica’s at the Henry’s and it was very good 🙂

Previous entry:  Rica’s and the Henry July 2, 2014 


Renato Veloso Osmeña

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We went to Cebu to pay our respects to the uncle of James, Former Vice Mayor of Cebu City Renato Osmeña, the brother of Jame’s Mom.  He was Vice Mayor from 1995 to 2001 and also councillor from 1986 to 1994.  A very well respected man and served his beloved city and people.  God bless Uncle Nato and may his soul rest in peace  

We joined the 9th day mass at the Chapel of Holy Relics

Previous entry:  Chapel of Holy Relics Tabora Hills July 5, 2014

  A nice tribute by one of the managers of Uncle Nato




Tabor Hill The Chapel of Holy Relics

By | Travel | One Comment

During our visit to Cebu, we went to Tabora Hills Chapel of Relics.  It’s around 20 minutes away from the city centre 


It’s the only Relic chapel in Asia and it houses around 2,000 relics



Father Dennis is the priest here and he used to work in the relic office of the Vatican which explains why he has access to all these relics



The main altar which has the relics of St. Joseph, Mother Mary, and the 12 apostles








Relics from Pope John Paul II


Mother Teresa


In this place, Allan Dino and his family put up a mausoleum chapel for their family.  

tabora-hills-chapel15.JPG tabora-hills-chapel19.jpg

His mother is buried here


The family in turn donated this crypt to the chapel and people can buy slots here to bury their loved ones 🙂  It’s beautiful because it is not crowded and its outdoor and open ( not enclosed )  There are still a few more available for sale  




Talambanan, Cebu City Tel #:  0999-819-8392




By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

Gretchen took us outside Banilad Towncenter and told us to try this Shawarma place which is very very popular in Cebu.  They sell around 500 orders a day!  Price range is from P 79.00 to P 139.00 – do the math 🙂  That’s a lot for a foodstall 🙂

We tried the US Angus Shawarma wrap – I wanted the rice version but they ran out


I saw the pretty lady waiting for her order

Apparently she is a reader of Heart2Heart 🙂  Heidi Blanco 🙂  She saw me taking photos and she told me that she is a viewer.  I was so happy!!!  She told me that she loves this place and has been back many times already

They even have these already!  




Moma Modern Mama

By | For kids, H2H Favorite Things, Travel | One Comment

I am so happy to meet Gretchen Uy of moma Modern Mama.  I went to her boutique in Banilad Towncenter.  I admire her so much because she took that risk of opening a shop for moms and kids in a very price sensitive market like Cebu.  She recently opened in November last year and is doing very well and meeting the needs of the Cebuanos and the foreigners that live in Cebu.  She is a mother herself and so she knows the needs and wants of a mom and child 🙂 


Her store 🙂


Stokke is a Scandinavian brand and moma is an official store selling their products – these strollers are almost 100,000 pesos but they are selling very well.  


They even have high chairs priced from 10,000 to 20,000 and they are also selling well. It’s a high chair you can use from birth. See how it works



Her items are a mixture of imported and local but they all look imported to me!  Our local products are really at par already with imported brands



I am so happy to see our products in moma!!  Gretchen told me that Nature was given to her as a gift from her friend, Christine Dychiao of Manila Fashion Observer.  Gretchen liked the product and she uses it herself – Lavande Nature like me 🙂  And Christine hooked us up!!  Thank you Christine.  Even Messy Bessy is here 🙂


Breastfeeding and changing room



Tatang’s Lechon

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We really made good use of our one day time in Cebu!!!  🙂

Gretchen pointed us towards this place in AS Fortuna which we gladly wanted to try 🙂 

It’s by a car wash

Acoording to Gretchen this is the best boneless pork belly

Caught them grilling 🙂

Wow look at the crispy skin!!

Puso hanging rice

Deadly but yum!!!!

Spicy version – for some reason it was not as crispy as the regular but it was still good but too spicy for me


You have to use your hands but they give you disposable plastic gloves in case you don’t want to use your hands directly haha 🙂  I love it 🙂 Only in the Philippines!

Our guard and driver joined us! Enjoying also 🙂

Many people order for delivery and take out which I think might be the best 

 Friendly staff 🙂

They had just opened their second branch

Click below to go to their Facebook page
