Monthly Archives: July 2014

Bais Market and Lunch on the Bangka at the Manjuyod Sandbar

By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

After breakfast we went to the public market of Bais and went shopping for lunch 🙂  Fresh seafood of course

Whaleshark food 🙂 Krill.  There is a limited supply already of this maybe because they have been feeding the whalesharks in the area 🙂  They say they have to get from Leyte 


there are other public market items 🙂  but we focused on seafood


And some vegetables



When you get to Manjuyod, there are 4 cottages for P 3,000.00 and there is one big cottage for a bit more but can fit more people which you can rent to hang out in and eat in – but we decided to just stay in the boat 


It’s a good thing we have chefs on board!!!  like Chef Newton who made salsa 🙂  YUM!!!


And Chef Javs who made the kinilaw from the toro ( tuna belly ) 


Everything tuna was so good!! The panga was so so yummy!!! They just grilled it and wow I would be happy just eating this


There were no prawns, just shrimps so we had this plus some pork chop 


The Patiño brothers who owned the boat we rented, were also our cooks!!


James wants to bring them back to Manila and open a restaurant called The Patiño brothers haha!! 


And crabs/alimango female which costs P 300.00 per kilo – they were still alive!!


We just couldn’t skip the pork! 🙂


Chef Newton bought pineapple to grill as well 


And we ate with our hands 🙂  YUM! 🙂  This was our dining table in the middle of the boat


We spent P 2,000 for all that we bought in the market and it fed 11 people on the boat and there were so many leftovers yet.  One of the best meals this trip 


Fresh sweet mangoes at P 35.00 per kilo!!!!


Indian Mango for P 10.00 a kilo!!  Tasted good but I found it a bit too fibrous it kept getting stuck in my teeth 🙂  


Our view from the boat while having lunch! How can you beat that??


This photo shows the division of Manjuyod the town ( green part ) and the blue part is Bais




Budbud sa Tanjay

By | Foodie, Proud to be Pinoy!, Travel | No Comments

We woke up very early to drive our way up to Bais.  On the way, we stopped by Tanjay to have breakfast 🙂  We went to the public market


to try bud bud / bodbod 🙂 


On the side, you will see guys packing the budbud


You can get plain or with chocolate – this is the chocolate they swirl into the budbud





with tsokolate 🙂


Milk chocolate or dark


We ate some there and we took home some




Bais and Tanjay, Negros Oriental

By | Nature, Travel | No Comments

This was one of my favourite towns when it came to scenery.  I am so glad my tour group was patient because I requested for several stops to take photos.  There were many more but it would have delayed the trip.  Some of the shots are taken in motion so please bear with me.  




Central Azucarera de Bais



These trees were beautiful – it was only in this certain area by the chapel.  Watch out for this if you are driving by



An old chapel!!  NICE!!


The first train in Negros Oriental Sugar Central.  Engine Number 7 Baldwin Steam Locomotive Philadelphia


Sugar factory


Sugar cane!! I wish I took the ones that were taller


 This is my favourite!!!  From the sugar cane field, you can see coconut trees lined up. They are natural boundaries between the haciendas



More scenery




Love coconut trees!!  





Jo’s Chicken Inato

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

A few people recommended this place, so we stopped by to try it!  It is just across Siliman University

Grilling by the entrance of the restaurant

Seating is all al fresco 🙂

Second floor

We tried two specialties

Chicken Inato – Their version has a hint of sweetness – YUM!

And we shared some Buko Halo 🙂 How romantic 🙂  

Love the washing station 🙂


Sans Rival Bistro Dumaguete

By | Foodie, Travel | No Comments

A must in Dumaguete!!  We went to have some silvanas and then we also ordered in advance for pick up the day we were leaving Dumaguete.  We were a big group and we wanted to make sure we had our orders 🙂  


The chocolate is quite good!! I wish they had more flavours!


Whether to just take home and have sylvanas or to even dine here will be something you have to do.   I heard that it is very reasonable yet very good 


A cute place 🙂  Reminds me of the colours of Vargas Kitchen – Blue and White 🙂

Cozy interiors


An old piano by the restrooms

They have many other pastries aside from sans rival and sylvannas

We discovered on the last day that there are two areas – this must be the old annex




Taco Surf Dumaguete

By | Foodie, Travel | One Comment

After a long day, we were happy to have a nice dinner at Taco Surf!  My sister in law, Pam recommended this place

We were so happy to meet the two gwapo owners of the place – Jay and sandy.  They are both Chefs of two of the best restaurants in Dumaguete – Taco Surf and Lab As.  Jay is the Chef for taco Surf and used to be  a chef in Costa Rica and even cooked for Cameron Diaz 🙂  Sandy is the Chef of Lab As 🙂  They are both single and available FYI 🙂  You can call Sandy directly at 0917-700-8399 but only for food and reservation inquires haha!! 🙂   

Indoor seating 🙂


with a sushi bar

They showed us their steak which is from the Kitayama farm, so you can have steak

and of course fresh seafood

Fresh buko juice

Whether you are in Taco Surf or Lab As, you an order anything from both menus 😉  We want tacos because we are in TACO surf 🙂

Fish Tacos were no promo that evening – how luck can we be?  Buy One Take One – so one order has 2 pieces so you get 4 for the price of one

Beef taco

Calamari Bistro Style

Chef Jay making our Hayahay roll which is one of their best sellers

P 350.00 for all this!!  Rolls with tempura on top! YUM! 🙂

Platter # 2 P 960.00 for all of this!!!!

Wish we could have tried more dishes!

Fresh oysters with cheese from Lab As 🙂  

And grilled squid

There is a frozen yogurt stand outside!!! YUM!!!!

There is also Conching’s Native chicken 

201 Flores Avenue, Piapi Beach, Dumaguete City  tel #:  (035) 2253536 or ( 035) 2263677  Email:

Click below to go to their Facebook page



Apo Island Dauin Negros Oriental

By | Animals and Pets, Travel | No Comments

From Malatapay market, the boat to Apo Island is right there 🙂  So though it was raining, we waited for it to stop and until the coast guard gave a go signal for us to leave

 Not really a smooth ride, but bearable 🙂  

 The first part of our trip, we were only two families 🙂  So happy to be with Newts, Mish, Enzo and Sophia

 Approaching Apo, you will see this resort, Apo Island Beach resort.  Looks nice 🙂 


 And there is this 🙂  upon arrival

The marine habitat in Apo Island, Dauin, Negros Oriental, is a marine reserve


This is why I think aqua socks may be better because of slippery stones and sharp rocks, though you need to be cautious always when walking – this is advice for city girls like me 🙂  and of course for kids who are not used to roughing it out like my kids haha 🙂



 You need to go to the main office and register and pay the fees before you snorkel or dive



Plenty stones but anyway you use your boat to go and snorkel


The Baluarte rock formation which is a very popular landmark in Apo Island




We went a few meters away from the shore and snorkeled 


We did not have underwater cameras so we do not have photos of the turtles or pawikans.


 There are many here in this island.  The time we were there, they saw a few.  It was habagat season already end of June.  Not really an ideal time to go but we had no choice due to the kids vacation schedule.  We also prefer not too have too many people – true enough we had the island all to ourselves 🙂   




Going back to Malatapay with a beautiful view



Malatapay Wednesday Market

By | Foodie, Proud to be Pinoy!, Travel | One Comment

Sandra recommended we go to the Malatapay Market which happens only on Wednesday.  She knows we like to eat 🙂  So we made sure we were in the area on a Wednesday to see what this is all about and experience it.  It is around 30 minutes aways from Dumaguete and in the town of Malatapay

It’s a street with stalls selling fresh seafood and others but mainly seafood

You can buy the seafood and have it cooked in one of the restaurant stalls

Shark :-O

They also trade livestock.  This carabao has been sold already to this new owner 

More livestock in that truck

Other items being sold

A must in the market!  Lechon!  I saw two stalls there and they were fully sold out

This was where we ate.  We could not really shop for our seafood because it started to rain so we just ordered our food from this restaurant

 Our table 🙂  with a tarpaulin as our table cover 

Utensils were in a bowl with hot water

Puso rice which is wrapped and boiled in woven coconut leaves. It is known as hanging rice since they hang it 🙂  It’s very dense rice and is a Cebuano creation

It already has a split in the middle you just open it up 🙂

Sauce 🙂

Kinilaw na Tanguige




I saw this across our table 🙂 Blindmen serenading 🙂

Our bill for 10 people 

We went to Apo Island then came back and on the way home this was how the market looked like 🙂  

The souvenir shop was still opened



Signs, Smoking and Motorcycles in Negros Oriental

By | Travel | No Comments

I noticed that the people in this area like using signs 🙂  To me it’s useful and we should do this all over our country 🙂  It makes it easier for everyone and is more friendly for everyone.  

In Florentina Homes plenty signs 🙂 in creative ways!!

Previous entry:  Florentina Homes Dumaguete July 21, 2014 


In Jo’s Chicken Inato


In Public places, I love the inspirational quotes




Fun store names


In Negros Oriental, almost the whole province is smoke free in public places.  Around 3 more towns have not yet implemented.  This is good news for me and I am sure for many.  And on this you will see even more signs all over the province to remind everyone including visitors 🙂

In restaurants

Public markets

In Malatapay

In the bangka/pump boat

The province is also the motorcycle capital of the Philippines.  Thy have all kinds – tricycles


I like this one 🙂  It looks like a jeep but it’s a tricycle.  I heard they tend to overload these tricycles too.  I am hoping for stricter rules for the passengers


For cargo


Just regular motorcycles for passengers


 I worry though about them overloading ( sometimes a whole family ) the bike and they are hard headed and don’t use helmets


Motorcycles outside Siliman University – they are not allowed to enter if they do no have helmets!  No helmet no entry! Again see how many do not follow.  This is however a blessing for the ” Watch Your Bike”  boys who earn a living parking the bikes.  They are paid from P 1.00 to P 5.00 per bike depending on the mood and generosity of the bike owners 🙂  There are ” Watch Your Bike” boys around the city making a living doing this type of service  

