After breakfast we went to the public market of Bais and went shopping for lunch 🙂 Fresh seafood of course
Whaleshark food 🙂 Krill. There is a limited supply already of this maybe because they have been feeding the whalesharks in the area 🙂 They say they have to get from Leyte
there are other public market items 🙂 but we focused on seafood
And some vegetables
When you get to Manjuyod, there are 4 cottages for P 3,000.00 and there is one big cottage for a bit more but can fit more people which you can rent to hang out in and eat in – but we decided to just stay in the boat
It’s a good thing we have chefs on board!!! like Chef Newton who made salsa 🙂 YUM!!!
And Chef Javs who made the kinilaw from the toro ( tuna belly )
Everything tuna was so good!! The panga was so so yummy!!! They just grilled it and wow I would be happy just eating this
There were no prawns, just shrimps so we had this plus some pork chop
The Patiño brothers who owned the boat we rented, were also our cooks!!
James wants to bring them back to Manila and open a restaurant called The Patiño brothers haha!!
And crabs/alimango female which costs P 300.00 per kilo – they were still alive!!
We just couldn’t skip the pork! 🙂
Chef Newton bought pineapple to grill as well
And we ate with our hands 🙂 YUM! 🙂 This was our dining table in the middle of the boat
We spent P 2,000 for all that we bought in the market and it fed 11 people on the boat and there were so many leftovers yet. One of the best meals this trip
Fresh sweet mangoes at P 35.00 per kilo!!!!
Indian Mango for P 10.00 a kilo!! Tasted good but I found it a bit too fibrous it kept getting stuck in my teeth 🙂
Our view from the boat while having lunch! How can you beat that??
This photo shows the division of Manjuyod the town ( green part ) and the blue part is Bais
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