Your All Time Favorite Cakes for the Last Time at the Mandarin Deli

I like the fact that the Mandarin Oriental Hotel celebrated the closing of their hotel.  Normally when something closes, they just close quietly and then everyone will be wondering and speculating why it closed etc etc.  In this instance, it was done so well!  There was a proper announcement made to the public, the hotel celebrated with their loyal clients and they were able to dine in all the restaurants before they closed and they brought back MeMOries and made people feel sentimental and we all ended on a good note with good memories 🙂  

During some of the events, I was hearing about the Signature L’Hirondelle cake and a few days ago I was blessed to see how this cake looks like and wow, what a work of art!!!!  It’s so beautiful!!!  


I did not want to slice it!! 🙂  But I could not help it too because I wanted to try it!!! Delicious 🙂 


 Apparently they are offering the yesteryear cakes until August 17.  So a  few days after I visited the Mandarin Deli to see how the other yesteryear cakes looked like! 

The L’ Hirondelle cake was sold out that morning and I got to see the mini version 🙂  How cute.  I suggest you call in advance and make your orders to be assured of getting your cakes

Everything looks so pretty!!! Sacher torte

and the mini version of the Sacher torte

Baked Cheesecake

Mandarin Cake

Black Forest

I love their meringues!!!!

They come in three colours and in gigantic sizes 🙂  So nice!!!

Looks so nice also!! Everything looks so good actually!!


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