For Mommy Trina

By September 6, 2014 Celebrations No Comments

Mommy Juvy, sister Cheska and Carissa gave Trina a baby shower last Saturday

For Mommy Trina (13)sunflower borders

Paolo with their two kids were there – Sabrina and Santino – our godchildren 🙂

For Mommy Trina (7)

Tita Juvy prepared everythingFor Mommy Trina (1)For Mommy Trina (2)sunflower borders For Mommy Trina (14)

With Mommy Juvy and Daddy Raffy  For Mommy Trina (11)

Trina’s family and closest friends were all thereFor Mommy Trina (9)For Mommy Trina (10)sunflower borders

Yummy Puto bungbung and bibingka freshly made in the gardenFor Mommy Trina (4) For Mommy Trina (3)sunflower borders

And a nice homemade buffet by Tita Juvy’s kitchen

For Mommy Trina (6)

Everything was so good and this was my favourite – the garlic bread with cheese sticks and lasagnaFor Mommy Trina (8)For Mommy Trina (15)For Mommy Trina (5)For Mommy Trina (12)sunflower borders

It’s a good thing we had the baby shower already because even if Mommy Trina was due on September 14, she was already complaining that she was having a hard time.  And just two days ago, September 4, Sebastian came out!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
sebastian sept 4 2014sunflower borders[email_link]

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