Monthly Archives: September 2014

Despedida For Suharto and Rina

By | Celebrations, Foodie | No Comments

One of our last get togethers before Suharto and Rina left

Despedida Suharto and Rina (2)

My beautiful friend, Rocio 🙂  Always happy to see her

Despedida Suharto and Rina (3)


Despedida Suharto and Rina (1)

All the girls trying to hide haha

Despedida Suharto and Rina (7)

Ginge brought Callos made by her cook who apparently is the ex cook of Subas Herrero so she cooks good Spanish food.  I don’t eat Callos but everyone else loved it!!

Despedida Suharto and Rina (5)

Catherine my cousin was not with us but she sent us this yummy Cocido which I loved!!

Despedida Suharto and Rina (4)Though we were with her the other day to celebrate her birthday 🙂


Kakanins are making a come back to the dessert table 🙂Despedida Suharto and Rina (6)[email_link]

Nespresso cups, Toilet Paper rolls, Magazines and Pull rings

By | Giving Back, Green | No Comments

I am a sucker for recycling things!  I feel bad seeing things go to waste.  I am sharing this in case you still don’t have a venue to send your old magazines, nespresso cups or pull rings.  I met a nice lady who helps many NGOs and foundations – Philippine Community Fund ( PCF ), Invisible Sisters, Kaibiga, etc – by simply giving them these items.  Many of you have magazines and maybe drink soda and for those with restaurants , you might want to collect the pull rings.  Please contact Nena Ortoll at +63 918 918 5099

Sample items made from magazinesnespresso-cups-toilet-paper-rolls-1.JPGnespresso-cups-toilet-paper-rolls-2.JPGnespresso-cups-toilet-paper-rolls-3.jpg

Even Nespresso cups can be recyclednespresso cupsrecycled magazines 1

Even Nespresso Cups are being recycled!

6cc5d10ce694d645aa2739d649df9f15 38632509274733029_4W913MR5_c mosaicefe918eef5d3f6bb1cabc4dd8e3a6876a51e76c1

Please send the pull rings in this manner so it is already organized and clean


In her backyard where she collects them before having it sent or picked up by the foundations


I googled what you can do with pullrings and there are so many.  Even pinterest has many ideas

recycled pull rings 2 recycled pull rings 1

Tita Nena has her staff make these holders using the foils of snack bags – clover chips, chippy etc.  She gives them as gifts to friends abroad


Look what I saw from Gaita!!

Gaita mat baseco using snacks foil bags

I also donate my toilet paper rolls to another lady!!  I must have accumulated this for two years.  I heard they make them into christmas decorations.  I am so happy they just don’t go to waste 🙂

toilet paper rolls

I googled and wow what you can make with toilet paper rolls 🙂 recycled toilet paper rolls 1 Toilet-paper-roll-crafts-monsters-Crafts-Unleashed-800x533 tprolls_2Pillow-boxes-from-upcycled-toilet-paper-rolls[email_link]

Relaunch of Rustan’s Makati

By | What's New at Rustan's | No Comments

Rustan’s Makati relaunches today and remembers when it opened 44 years ago!  My Dad opened this Supermarket and he told me that my Mom was pregnant with me inside 🙂  So I am as old as Rustan’s Supermarket.  I love this branch and this is where I usually go.  I am so happy that it is new and bright and happy 🙂Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (5)

Breadcutting ceremony!!Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (6)

Pierre Olivier Deplanck, CEO of Rustan’s Supercenters Inc. Pierre told me that they will be opening Marketplace soon in Bonfiacio Central Square in the basement. There are 13 Shopwise, Wellcome 14 stores, Rustan’s Supermarket 18 stores and Marketplace soon to be 2 for a total of 46 and should be 50 by the end of the year!! I am sure that will grow faster in the future. Pierre is from The Dairy Farm Intl Group which operates Wellcome, Oliver’s, IKEA, Mannings and Maxim in Southeast Asia

Pierre Olivier Deplanck

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (36)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (10)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (30)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (12)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (11)
Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (13)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (9)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (17)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (21)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (19)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (23)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (28)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (24)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (18)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (32)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (33)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (29)

Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (16)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (25)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (15)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (20)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (1)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (27)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (31)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (26)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (35)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (8)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (34)
Lots of promo only for today!!! HURRY!!! You cans till go!Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (3) Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (2)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (4)Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (14) Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (22)
Newly renovated concessionaire areaRelaunch of Rustan's Makati (37) Relaunch of Rustan's Makati (38)[email_link]

Gourmet Garage for Suharto and Rina

By | Foodie | No Comments

I am so happy that my parents are also friends with my friends!  The whole family loves Suharto and Rina, what am I saying?  Everyone does! 🙂

Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (5)Dad and Mom hosted a lunch for them while they were here

Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (3)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (4)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (11)

By Gourmet Garage .  Wow they have matching Japanese uniforms 🙂  Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (6)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (8)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (7)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (9)

The menu was revised so this is what was printed but we did  not have the appetizer instead we had Sushi and sashimi and instead of sukiyaki, we had Bryan Flannery Dry Aged steak cooked on Himalayan Salt StoneGourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (10)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (9)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (14)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (1)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (12)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (13)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (2)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (15)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (16)Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (17)

Dulce Gatas from Bacolod with fresh strawberries 🙂  I just copied what Bambi did.  Great idea!Gourmet Garage for Shuarto and Rina (18)PrintPrint

[ email_link]

Let’s Have Fun As We Celebrate the Birthday of Peter Coyiuto

By | Celebrations | No Comments

Happy Birthday to a great guy!!! Peter Coyiuto!!  I can attest that he is more than an Insurance guy because I see hm in the gym, I saw him running early in the morning and he even joined our bootcamp class and survived the toughest workout 🙂

peter coyiuto bootcamp

Super love this video by Jason Magbanua!!! which was shown during his birthday celebration


And cried watching this


And enjoyed this


Happy Birthday and we wish you more years of love, happiness and grandchildren 🙂


And an article  in the Philippine Star by Stenie for her dad!
