For the three years that Jaime has been in boarding school, this is our first time to attend Parent’s Weekend. It’s Autumn and its beautiful in the campus
Mr. Rodriguez The Adviser of Jaime and at the same time his Spanish teacher. We were happy to see him again and get to talk to him
Beautiful architecture – Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul at St. Paul’s School Concord, New Hampshire In the spring of 1856. . .
a young schoolteacher arrived in a carriage at a large property of ponds and woods near Concord, New Hampshire, where a wealthy Boston physician had provided land to create a new school. St. Paul’s began that same day, as three boys received their first assignments, one of which was to go fishing. A love of the School’s natural habitat has remained constant since those early days.
Graduates of St. Paul’s School have included three candidates for U.S. president, six senators or congressmen, 13 U.S. ambassadors, and 10 leaders of various U.S. administrations; a governor of New Hampshire; a Nobel Prize winner, a Medal of Honor recipient, three Pulitzer Prize winners; a mayor of New York City; a president of the World Bank; numerous editors of books, newspapers, and magazines; CEOs of numerous Fortune 500 companies; professional hockey players; and multiple clergy, including the former presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
Everyday all the students gather at the Chapel of St. Peter and St. Paul ( not Catholic) for morning chapel as part of their objective to have a holistic education. They have reflection, talks from speakers of the school, hymns and other activities
We simulated all the classes of Jaime and went to all his classrooms and met his teachers. I like these notes from Photography class
I am thrilled to see the things of my son in the classroom
At Math class! For some reason, while waiting to enter the class, I particularly looked at the scribblings on the glass and after looking closely, I saw something which caught my attention!!! A HEART!
I looked closer and realized it was me!!! A drawing by Jaime, my son! Just seeing this made our trip all worth it.
Happy to see Chananya and Prasong in the same Math Class where our sons are classmates
In Math class, they do not put their real names on the test papers just so there are no biases and preconceived notions when the teacher checks the papers. Interesting! Jaime just put his name already after and this was given to us to view
Another lunch at school. The tables were assigned by house/dorm. That way the parents get to meet the other parents of the dorm mates Good idea
I am just happy when I see my three boys together and we are complete as a family[email_link]