We wanted to see our niece, Mia, who majors in Advertising in Pratt Institute in Brooklyn and since she was in the city interning at a Japanese Kimono shop, we met up with her near where she was. She was looking Japanese and had her new red hair colour – both fit her so well. How fast time file and it has been four years since she first came to Brooklyn for College and she is soon graduating
We have been wanting to have Korean and so as usual we end up at Won Jo ( 34th street ), our favourite.
Mandu Pork Belly
No charcoal for lunch which I found strange, so they brought out this cooker to grill the meats
It was good but I still prefer the charcoal grill cooking
Click below to go to their website
Mia suggested we eat here, but I was afraid we might not get a seat and it would be so cold so we chose indoors. But this is a nice pop up of many food stalls right in Greeley Square Park located at the intersection of Broadway and 33rd street
Click below to go to their website and find out where there next pop up is