I am so happy the gang chose to dine at Hole in the Wall!! We had a table right in front of the entrance and it was very comfortable

So happy to see the Big Boss of Century Properties Tito Joey Antonio who stopped by to say hi and Big Boss # 2 Marco Antonio explaining the concept of Hole In the Wall which apparently is a concept by the same owners as Wrong Ramen
Since they do not have wine, we brought our own bottles 🙂
Because there is so much choices in the place, we are happy to choose what we want. This is what each one had 🙂 Lindy ordered so much and I wonder how she stays so sexy!

My order! 1 pc Umami chicken from Bad Bird. Yum!! Its not so salty and just right. I got the SAFE kind because I do not really like Spicy 
Chut eating the Shawarma that was already gone by the time I went to take his photo! haha!!
Pat also having Chicken
Chris having his noodles from Phobobo
Steve, Cherina and tried many 🙂 Form Kwong’s, Bad Bird and Liberation Shawarma
Liberation Shawarma for Raffy and Carmina

Jackie and Marco acing Shawarma
Thanks Marco for getting us these Green Cheese Cheesecake! YUM!! So light and yummy. I personally liked the original. Heart2Heart likes the HAPPIEST CHEESECAKE IN THE WORLD! 🙂

And of course for dessert – Scout’s Honor Cookies- Thanks Lindy for sharing your loot 
Cherina’s creation which had bacon!

The boys
The girls
The boys cleaning up! haha
The snow globe was already closed, but because Big Boss Marco was there, he set it up for us to take our photo!!
I think it was the guys who were excited about this! haha!! Marco, Raffy and James plus the three other guys at the back Pat, Steve and Chut keeping the hole closed
Since we were with Marco, we also got a sneak peek at the upcoming resto of Chef Chele Gonzales who was there. It will be called Arozzeria and they will have 15 paellas

Ms. Universe Group shot by 12 Monkeys 🙂
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