Monthly Archives: December 2014

Kathy & Kathy Bespoke Jewellery

By | Shopping | 2 Comments

 About a month ago, I met a pretty lady, Kathy Sarabia Babst.  She mentioned to me about her latest business venture with her best friend named Kathy also 🙂  Kathy Gregorio Anover. Kathy & Kathy Bespoke Jewellery (1)

 They are into bespoke jewelry.  Kathy Babst is part of the Sarabia family in Iloilo that has a jewelry business there.  So, we are sure she knows her business.  As everything now is bespoke and personalized, the two Kathy’s can manufacture to your specs .   This is one of their items – locketsKathy & Kathy Bespoke Jewellery (1)

 Dara was there too and she too had a beautiful locket! Art Deco Luxe LocketKathy & Kathy Bespoke Jewellery (2)

Kathy & Kathy Bespoke Jewellery (3) And I got one too 🙂  Beautiful! Thank you Kathy & Kathy

“Forrest Locket, one of the four designed from our Sentimiento small Batch Luxe Locket Collection.  The detail and craftsmanship of this design reminds us that well made products are a result of passion and handwork, sentiments we feel you also believe in”

kathy and kathy bespoke jewelry for heart2heartkathy and kathy sentimiento collectionFollow Kathy & Kathy in instagram and contact them through

kathy and kathy instagram


Loominlooney’s Loom Kitchen

By | Hobbies | One Comment

I have a friend and yes she is “looney” 🙂  At first she was knitting…..knitting by the loomingloney ina bautista  Then when the Rainbow Loom craze started, she made this!  I thought Rainbow looms were for kids? haha!!heart bag by loominglooney Then now she’s making Frappuccinos 🙂  I LOVE IT!!! That’s mine!! The pink one 🙂frapppuccinos by the loominglooney She has a following in instagram!

Loominglooney (1)

and already has a blog ( no wonder she’s not going to bootcamp anymore haha!! ) Click below to visit her blog

Loominlooney blog

She even has a Youtube account where you can watch all her tutorials!! OMG!!!  She is so amazing to document this!  So for you Rainbow Loomers out there, my friend, Ina is an expert loomer! Click below to go to her youtube account

Loominlooney Loom Kitchen youtube

 Here are the photos from instagram of some of the things she has made!Loominglooney (2)

Loominglooney (3)

Loominglooney (4)

Loominglooney (5)

Loominglooney (6)

Loominglooney (7)

Loominglooney (8)

Loominglooney (9)And because of this even Rainbow Loom has recognised her works!!!! WOOHOO!!

loominglooney letter from Rainbow Loom


The Style Run

By | Beauty | No Comments

I got excited when I saw this sign in Rustan’s Supermarket!The Style Run (2)

I went right away to check it out.  It’s at the back parking area of Rustan’s Makati by the steel carparkThe Style Run (4)

 How convenient that you can do your grocery and have a blow dry as well!  One stop!The Style Run (3)

The Style Run (1)

So glad the owner was there, Lea Labre.  She told me that she had just recently come back to the Philippines after living for a long time abroad.  So this is her first business venture since she got back.  Good luck and more power Lea!!The Style Run (6)

The Style Run (7)

The Style Run (5)

The Style Run (8)[email_link]

Mom’s Famous Bacon Jam

By | Foodie | No Comments

Received this from my good friend, Michele Dee.  I LOVE it that it’s manufactured with LOVE! 🙂  Good with bread, crackers, eggs or cheese, or with steak.

Her cousin makes it! Aimee Fuentes +63-918-942-2284Mom's Famous Bacon Jam[email_link]

Mendokoro Ramenba

By | Foodie | No Comments

Yushoken is finally opening a Makati branch at V Corporate Center Soliman street Salcedo Village!!!  What a relief!  The Ramen boys go all the way to Alabang but now its so near us.

Previous entry:  Ramen Yushoken  Dec. 6, 2012

We went last Friday so it was not yet open but yesterday they opened to the publicMendokoro ramen bar before opening

 Here’s the Ramen Bar 🙂  Interiors by Noel BernardoMendokoro Ramen bar by Noel Bernardo Soft opening MenuMendokoro ramen bar soft opening menu dec 2014

In Japan Ramen bars, there are vending machines where you can choose your orders and push buttons and then you have to pay and get a receipt to claim your orders.  Here there is a manual version 🙂  So the first step when you enter is to pay for your orders with the cashierHuman vending machine Mendoko ramen bar Then get your receipt/Claim stub which you have to give in the bar Mendokoro Ramen bar receiptMendokoro Ramen bar cookingMendokoro Ramen bar counterJames goes all the way to Alabang to have this. Tsukemen Tokusei which has a fish broth.  I don’t really eat ramen but when I tried this, I liked it!!!  I am slowly getting to like ramen every time I go with the Ramen boys 🙂Tsukomen Tokusei Mendokoro ramen bar

ShoyuShoyu Ramen Mendokoro ramen barMendokoro Ramen bar operation hours openingClick below to go to their Facebook page

Mendokoro Ramen bar facebook


Lainey’s Desserts

By | Foodie | One Comment

We also had dessert brunch at Marvie’s!  Aside from meeting her Guinea Pigs and bunnies

Previous entry:  Marvie’s Warehouse December 8, 2014

Marvie introduced me to one of her good friends, Elaine.  They are golfing buddies including their husbands.  I am so happy to meet Elaine and spend time with these two very nice and lovely ladies.
Lainey's Desserts (1)

We had a nice dessert brunch in Marvie’s place at 10amLainey's Desserts (2)

 It was like we were having a degustation! haha!! But this time it was 4 dessert plates 🙂Lainey's Desserts (10)

 Elaine Tadena de Jesus  – the beautiful homebaker who prepared all the desserts for our brunch

Lainey's Desserts (9)

Elaine used to be a singer in two girl bands, Tangerine and Sky.  Of course i asked her to sing for us 🙂

It was when she got married, her husband, Tootsie, asked her to bake for him!  During their trip to Turkey, they fell in love with Baklava and when they got home, Tootsie wanted more Baklava so he asked Elaine to learn how to make it! 🙂  “PUSHY HUSBAND!” haha!!!  That is our joking term for him.  So Elaine had to try many recipes until she perfected it.  After that she baked other things and now it’s a business 🙂

 Our desserts!Lainey's Desserts (5)

New York CheesecakeLainey's Desserts (7)

 White Chocolate Cheesecake – I call this a Giant Oreo! 🙂Lainey's Desserts (3)

 A new creation and recently launch – Banana bread. YUM!  So moist!Lainey's Desserts (4)

 And here is the Baklava for Pushy husband, Tootsie 🙂  This is the cashew and it comes in Pistachio and AlmondsLainey's Desserts (8)

Lainey's Desserts (11)

 I love her platter 😉  She is married to a de Jesus but unfortunately we are not related.  They are the de Jesus who owns a farm of chickens that lays the fresh eggs that goes into all the baked goodies of ElaineLainey's Desserts (6)Elaine de Jesus fresh eggs

Marvie served us a special Chinese tea to go with all the desserts we hadLainey's Desserts (12)Contact Elaine

laineys desserts contact Elaine de jesus


Marvie’s Warehouse

By | Animals and Pets | 2 Comments

So happy to see Marvie and her husband Hubert.  Hubert is the cousin of our very good family friend Tito Edwin and Tita Dorothy who we love so much 😉

Marvie's Warehouse (2)

 I visited their home 😉

Stockings of all the cousinsMarvie's Warehouse (1)

Marvie’s collectionsMarvie's Warehouse (10)

 Plus collection of umbrellas! 🙂  She says they are always prepared because umbrellas always get lost somehowMarvie's Warehouse (8)

 Golf clubs 🙂Marvie's Warehouse (9)

 Marvie introduced me to her Abssynian Guinea Pigs!!  This is one of her hobbies.  She also sells Guinea pigs 🙂 Marvie's Warehouse (5)

Abssynian Guinea pigs aboutThe hair of these guinea pigs are really nice because she really takes care of them. Meet Lolo the stud 🙂  He rapes all the lady guinea pigs to breed themMarvie's Warehouse (3)

Meet Beyonce the brown Guinea pig!  So pretty and she was pregnant at the time I visited them and a few days after she gave birth to two babies 🙂  Marvie's Warehouse (4)

One of the secrets to having beautiful guinea pigs is feeding them the right food which is grass 🙂  They are the lawn mowers in the house.  So here you can see the patch where they ate 🙂  They should not be fed feeds but grass and the peels of fresh fruits and vegetables.  So they are good pets because they recycle the peels 🙂 at the same time it benefits their health and beauty 🙂Marvie's Warehouse (7)

She has bunnies too 🙂 Marvie's Warehouse (6)If you want to have a Guinea pig too, Pls contact for payment & pick up arrangements 09209030199 viber what’s app or email

visit Marvie’s Warehouse in Instagram

Marvies warehouse instagram

or in Facebook

marvies warehouse facebook page


Wallpaper City Guide Manila

By | Hot Off the Press | One Comment

Congratulations Cheryl Tiu and Kissa Castañeda Mc Dermott on the launch of the Wallpaper City Guide Manila!!Wallpaper Guide Manila (1)

Wallpaper Guide Manila (2)

Beautiful ladies – Cheryl Tiu, Chris Daez and Kissa Castañeda Mc DermottWallpaper Guide Manila (4)

 Cheryl busy signing booksWallpaper Guide Manila (1)

 Fans 🙂  waiting to have their books signedWallpaper Guide Manila (3)

wallpaper guide manila guests 2

Wallpaper guide Manila launch guests 1

Available at Fully BookedWallpaper Guide Manila (5)[email_link]